Together U: We are the generation Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit
Together U: We are the generation
Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit

Looking to share information on HIV testing, prevention, stigma, and treatment on college campuses? We’ve got you covered! This edition of our Let’s Stop HIV Together social media toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter).
For more great content you can share, follow us at:
Social Media Content
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The sample copy in the right column can be used for Instagram, Facebook, and X posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in an Instagram feed post. If you would like to direct your Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button.
Video/Image Thumbnail
Meet Ruya, a #TogetherU college junior exploring her HIV testing options on and off campus. Knowing your status can help you make decisions to stay healthy.
Learn more:
Start the year off right by prioritizing your sexual health. This includes talking to your friends and partners about ways to prevent #HIV, like taking PrEP or using condoms.
Explore your options:
Hey Gen Z! Let’s be the generation that will #StopHIVTogether! With #HIV testing, condoms, PrEP, and treatment, there are many ways to stay healthy.
Join us and find the options that work best for you:
Before you get out there and have fun, make sure you know your status and are prepared to prevent HIV and other STIs so you can have peace of mind.
Find testing and prevention options near you:
#StopHIVTogether #StopSTIsTogether
When you know, you know!
One thing you can be certain of is your #HIV status, but the only way to know is to get tested. #DYK that you can take a HIV self-test for free or at a reduced cost, take it in the privacy of your own space, and know your results in just 20 minutes?
To learn more about self-testing visit:
What does your self-care look like?
It’s always important to take a moment and take time for you. Focusing on your #mentalhealth can help you make the right choices to prevent or treat #HIV and stay healthy.
#Disconnect #Nature #MentalHealthMatters #Health #HealthyLifestyle #HealthisWealth #HealthisHappiness #StopHIVTogether
Rae shares their #HIV prevention journey and why it’s critical for everyone, including young people, to #StartTalkingHIV. Read their story. ⬅️
#DYK PrEP is a medicine to prevent #HIV. PrEP is completely safe to take with most medications and at the same time as hormone therapy or hormone-based birth control.
See if PrEP is right for you:
HIV stigma can keep people from getting tested and treated for #HIV. Let’s #StopHIVStigma by learning and sharing the facts together.
Join the conversation:
If you have HIV, getting and staying undetectable can help you stay healthy and live your best life.
Learn more about the benefits of being undetectable:
Check out our new stickers and add them to your stories as you’re catching up with friends. Instructions ⬇️
- ✔️ Click + Story
- ✔️ Take your pic
- ✔️ Click the sticker icon and search #StopHIVTogether
- ✔️ Choose sticker & add
- ✔️ Tag @StopHIVTogether
- ✔️ Post!
Personas con el VIH que son indetectables pueden vivir saludablemente y no pueden transmitir el VIH a sus parejas sexuales.
Aprende más:
¡Únete al movimiento! Hacerte la prueba del #VIH es cuidarte a ti mismo y es fácil, rápida y gratis.
Aprender más:
English translation:
Join the movement! Getting test for HIV is self-care and is easy, fast, and free. Learn more: [Link]
Hay más opciones que nunca para prevenir el #VIH.
Descubre cuales opciones funcionarán mejor para ti:
English translation: There are more options than ever before to prevent HIV. Find which options work best for you.