Multi-topic Toolkit (March 2020)

Looking for content to promote HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and anti-stigma messaging to your social media audiences? We’ve got you covered!
Our Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkits contain sample images and text that you can use on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Scroll down to browse some of our recent posts.
For more content you can share, follow us at:
- Simply click or tap the images to download.
- The copy samples can be used for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
- Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in a feed post on Instagram.
- If you would like to direct Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so with a story post by using the call to action feature, which then redirects users when they “swipe up.”
HIV Treatment Content
#HIVTreatmentWorks to help sexual partners too. When you are undetectable, you will not transmit #HIV to a partner through sex. Learn more by visiting: #TalkUndetectable #StopHIVTogether
#HIVTreatmentWorks best when combined with a healthy diet and physical activity. Taking care of your overall health can help you live well with #HIV and improve your well-being. Learn more by visiting: #StopHIVTogether
#HIVTreatmentWorks best when taken daily as prescribed. But even people who have been on treatment for a long time can sometimes get off track. Get the facts and get back on track today to live well. Learn more by visiting: #StopHIVTogether
Prevention (Gay and Bisexual Male Content)
The only way to know for sure whether you have #HIV is to get tested. Once you know your status, share it with your partner. Communicating about your #HIV status can help you make the best decisions for your overall health. Find a location near you: #StartTalkingHIV #DoingItTogether #StopHIVTogether
Are you thinking about starting #PrEP? Or looking for an #HIVtesting site? Visit and use the locator tool to find HIV prevention services near you! #StartTalkingHIV #StopHIVTogether
When the conversation about #HIV is open, honest, and kind, everyone wins. To learn conversation starters, visit: #TalkUndetectable #StartTalkingPrEP #StopHIVTogether
HIV Stigma Content
Friends don’t let friends perpetuate #HIVstigma. If you have a friend with #HIV, offer support by learning the facts and discovering ways to #StopHIVStigma. Learn more by visiting: #StopHIVTogether
#DYK that you can help end harmful stress for people with #HIV simply by being supportive, and letting people living with HIV know they are not alone? To learn more, visit: #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
Stigma, fear, and discrimination can be barriers to #HIV testing and treatment. It is time for this to change! Visit to see how you can help make a difference. #StopHIVStigma #StopHIVTogether
HIV Testing Content
You don’t have to do it alone! Invite a friend to go get tested for #HIV today and find out your status together! Find a location near you: #DoingItTogether #StopHIVTogether
Getting tested can help us start conversations about #HIV and allows us to make informed decisions about our health. Visit to find a testing site and learn your status. #DoingItTogether #StopHIVTogether
Each type of HIV test has a “window period” that varies from person to person and depends on the type of test. Talk to your provider to determine the best test for you. #DoingIt #StopHIVTogether
Ready, Set, PrEP
We’re fighting to end HIV in the United States and the new #ReadySetPrEP program from @HHSgov will help by providing PrEP medications at no cost to thousands of people. See if you qualify:
You have the power to #PreventHIV with just 1 pill daily. The new #ReadySetPrEP program from @HHSgov provides #PrEP medications at no cost. See if you qualify: