Older Adults & HIV Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit
Older Adults & HIV
Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit

Looking for HIV-related content tailored for older adults? We’ve got you covered! Explore essential information on reducing HIV stigma and advocating for HIV, sharing stories of long-term survivors, and tips for maintaining good sexual health practices as people age. This edition of our Let’s Stop HIV Together social media toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter).
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Social Media Content
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The sample copy in the right column can be used for Instagram, Facebook, and X posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in an Instagram feed post. If you would like to direct your Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button.
Video/Image Thumbnail
John shares his experience of having been diagnosed with #HIV in the early days and reminds us that with treatment, people with HIV can stay healthy and thrive.
Long-term HIV survivors have paved the way for the #HIV movement over the past 40+ years.
#UequalsU #StopHIVStigma
Nathan shares with us the importance of being who you are and being celebrated for that truth.
Long-term HIV survivors have paved the way for the #HIV movement over the past 40+ years.
#UequalsU #StopHIVStigma
Our LGBTQ+ pioneers’ stories are a testament to strength, courage, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Let’s amplify their voices and learn from their experiences, embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity.
It’s up to all of us to create a future where everyone’s story is celebrated and valued.
Of course, age is just a number! Listen to these seasoned adults and learn how you too can become an HIV advocate. 💪
#StopHIVTogether #HIVAdvocates
#DYK that adults aged 50+ are living a long, healthy life with HIV treatment!
Visit cdc.gov/HIVtreatment to learn more.
Healthy aging equals a healthy mind, body, and sexual health. When we take care of ourselves, we can make the best choices to stay healthy and prevent HIV. Tell us in the comments how you practice self-care. ⬇️
Let’s help #StopHIVStigma. We can start by supporting people with HIV so they can continue living their best lives.
Visit cdc.gov/StopHIVStigma to learn how.
Take steps to #StopHIVStigma and improve the lives of people with #HIV.
Visit cdc.gov/StopHIVStigma to find out what you can do.
#StopHIVTogether #UequalsU
#HealthyAging with HIV is about focusing on overall health, and on communicating your specific health needs to your provider. Eating well, staying active, and taking care of your mental health are key in addition to taking your HIV medication.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVtreatment to find resources to help you on your HIV journey.
Nathan shares with us the importance of being who you are and celebrating your truth. Long-term HIV survivors have paved the way for the #HIV movement over the past 40+ years.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVtreatment to learn more about HIV treatment and being undetectable.
#StopHIVTogether #UequalsU
Stigma creates barriers for people with #HIV and even prevents some from getting medical treatment. We can stand together and #StopHIVStigma.
Visit cdc.gov/StopHIVStigma to learn how.
Knowledge is power! 🧠 Practice proactive health with HIV self-testing. Knowing your status helps you maintain your sexual health.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVselftesting to learn more.
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTestMyWay #HIVTesting #SelfTesting
Spanish Language Content
#EnvejecimientoSaludable con VIH, , se trata de enforcarte en tu bienestar total, y en buena comunicación con tu proveedor de salud para tus propias necesidades. Comer saludable, ser activo, y cuidar tu salud sexual son claves además de tomar tu medicina para el VIH.
Visita cdc.gov/tratamientodelvih para encontrar recursos que te ayudaran en tu travesía con el VIH.
#HealthyAging with HIV, is about focusing on overall health and on good communication with your doctor for your specific needs. Eating well, staying active, and taking care of your mental health are key in addition to taking your HIV medication.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVtreatment to find resources to help you on your HIV journey.
El envejecimiento saludable es igual a una mente, un cuerpo y una salud sexual sanos. Cuando nos cuidemos a nosotros mismos, podemos tomar las mejores decisiones para mantenernos sanos y prevenir el VIH. Cuéntanos en los comentarios de como tu practicas el autocuidado. ⬇️
Healthy aging equals a healthy mind, body, and sexual health. When we take care of ourselves, we can make the best choices to stay healthy and prevent HIV. Tell us in the comments how you practice self-care. ⬇️