HIV Testing My Way
HIV Testing My Way
Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit

Looking to share information about HIV self-testing and how your followers can order free HIV self-tests? We’ve got you covered! This edition of our Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Social Media Content
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The sample copy in the right column can be used for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in an Instagram feed post. If you would like to direct your Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button.
Video/Image Thumbnail
Sample Copy
When you know, YOU KNOW!
The only way to your find out your HIV status is to get tested. #HIVselftests can provide results in as little as 20 minutes and no matter your test results, you have options. Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTestMyWay
No matter your results, getting tested for #HIV is the first step to staying healthy. Learn about testing options, including HIV self-tests:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTestMyWay
Don’t guess! Know your HIV status and have that peace of mind. Now, with #HIVselftests it’s easier than ever! Learn more about HIV testing, including HIV self-tests for you and your loved one:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTestMyWay
#HIVselftests allow you to test on your own time and get your results in your own space! Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVtestmyway
Take control of your sexual health by getting tested for #HIV. Learn more about testing options, including HIV self-tests:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVtestmyway
Shakyara talks about how important it is for her trans brothers and sisters to get tested. Learn more about testing options, including HIV self-tests:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVtestmyway
Show yourself some love by finding out your #HIV status! HIV self-tests give you the power to decide when and where to test. Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVtestmyway
It’s #Pride season! Let’s celebrate pride anywhere and everywhere by getting tested for HIV! #HIVselftests gives you the power to decide when and where to test. Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTestMyWay
Spanish Content
La única manera de saber tu estatus es haciéndote una prueba del #VIH. Las #AutoPruebasDelVIH se pueden hacer a cuándo y donde sea. Aprende más:
#DetengamosJuntosElVIH #AutoPruebasDelVIH
English translation: The only way to know your status is by getting an #HIV test. Self-testing can be done anytime, anywhere. Learn more:
La prueba del VIH puede ser gratis, rápido y confidencial. Aprende más sobre, auto-pruebas del VIH:
#DetengamosJuntosElVIH #AutoPruebasDelVIH
English translation: HIV testing can be free, fast, and confidential. Learn more about testing, including HIV self-tests:
Mientras celebramos este mes de Orgullo, ser orgulloso de saber tu estatus del VIH. Aprende más sobre auto-pruebas del VIH, y anime a un ser querido a que se haga la prueba contigo:
#DetengamosJuntosElVIH #AutoPruebasDelVIH
English translation: While we celebrate Pride month, be proud to know your HIV status. Learn more about testing, including HIV self-tests and encourage a loved one to take the test with you: