#PrEPared Social Media Toolkit
Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit

Looking to share relevant information on PrEP? We’ve got you covered! This Let’s Stop HIV Together social media toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter).
For more great content you can share, follow us at:
Social Media Content
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The sample copy in the right column can be used for Instagram, Facebook, and X posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in an Instagram feed post. If you would like to direct your Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button.
Video/Image Thumbnail
#PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV regardless of your relationship status, and it can be available to you at low or no cost.
Get #PrEPared: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP
Get #PrEPared for more peace of mind with #PrEP.
Find out if PrEP is right for you: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP
Did you know #PrEP can be available to you at low or no cost, regardless of your health insurance coverage or citizenship?
Learn how to get #PrEPared: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP
PrEP is a great option to prevent HIV. Get on #PrEP for YOUR peace of mind.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVPrEP to find a provider near you.
With #PrEP, you have the power to protect yourself and your community. By staying informed and proactive, you can overcome obstacles to make positive health choices that help you and your partners stay safe.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVPrEP to find a PrEP provider near you and take the first step towards a healthier future. 🌟
#PrEP #HIVPrevention #HealthAwareness #StopHIVTogether
#PrEP helps you take charge of your own health AND benefits the health of your partners.
Learn how to get #PrEPared: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP.
Watch Joaquin’s video to learn how #PrEP can be used for HIV prevention and to protect communities.
Learn more at cdc.gov/HIVPrEP.
#PrEP helps you AND your community prevent HIV together! 💪
Visit cdc.gov/stophivtogether/locator to use our locator tool and find a PrEP provider near you.
Raul tells us that taking #PrEP gives him more confidence. Today we have more options than ever for preventing HIV. One of those options is PrEP.
Know your options and be your best self, con seguridad y confianza.
Learn more: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP.
#StopHIVTogether #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
Pastor Tye shares with us how faith communities can help promote HIV prevention options.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVPrEP to see if #PrEP is right for you.
#MindBodyConnection. Taking care of your health is more than just physical fitness—it’s mental health and sexual health too. Build healthy routines by adding #PrEP for a peace of mind to focus on your overall well-being. #PrEPared #FitnessJourney #FitLife
Ready to take the first step towards #PrEP? Talking to a healthcare provider is key!
There are programs that provide PrEP for free or at a reduced cost, regardless of your immigration status or insurance.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVPrEP to find a PrEP provider near you.
Be #PrEPared for the heat of the moment. 👨❤️💋👨🔥 Swipe left to find your path to get on PrEP and learn about ways you can stay healthy.
#PrEP is a great option for preventing HIV whether you’re partying with friends or dancing in the sun. Keep it cute and safe by getting #PrEPared.
Visit cdc.gov/HIVPrEP to find a PrEP provider near you.
Healthy communication leads to a deeper connection with your partner. Before sparks fly, spark the conversation about sexual health and HIV prevention options like #PrEP.
#StartTalkingHIV and get #PrEPared 💬
Taking control of your sexual health begins with choosing options that work for you. Condoms are a great option to prevent HIV and other STIs. Consider using both #PrEP and condoms for maximum protection 🌟
#StopHIVTogether #SafeSex #SexualHealth
As the summer heats up, remember to #StartTalkingHIV with your friends and partners. Help spread knowledge about prevention methods like condoms, #PrEP, and treatment as prevention.
Tell us how you spark the conversation with someone new. ⬇️
Spanish Language Content
PrEP te da el control sobre tu salud sexual. Para que estés #PrEParado para un momento acalorado.
Descubre si PrEP es adecuada para ti: cdc.gov/LaPrEP.
PrEP puts you in control of your sexual health. So that you are #PrEPared for the heat of the moment.
Find out if PrEP is right for you: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP.
Con PrEP, disfrutas de tranquilidad. Para que estés #PrEParado para más placer.
Aprender mas: cdc.gov/LaPrEP.
With PrEP, you enjoy peace of mind. Get #PrEPared for more pleasure.
Learn more: cdc.gov/HIVPrEP.