Preventing HIV In Your Community

Looking for content to help grow your social media channels? We’ve got you covered! This edition of our Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.
For more great content you can share, follow us at:
Social Media Content
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The copy samples in the right column can be used for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in a feed post on Instagram. If you would like to direct Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button or through using a link in bio.
Video/Image Thumbnail
Sample Copy
HIV Testing Content
Knowing your #HIV status gives you power. Learn more about HIV testing, including self-testing:
Take charge today! Knowing your #HIV status gives you power. Learn more about HIV testing, including self-testing:
Kurtis reminds us that engaging in open and supportive conversations about #HIV testing with our loved ones helps #StopHIVStigma. Learn more:
HIV Prevention
Prevent HIV for you, your family, and your community. We have the tools and resources to #StopHIVTogether. Learn how:
Condoms are a highly effective way to prevent #HIV and other STDs when used consistently and correctly every time you have sex. Learn more:
Remember #condoms are a great way to prevent HIV and other STDs, but PrEP is another option to help you prevent #HIV your way. Learn more about PrEP:
#PrEP is another tool that can bring you some peace of mind. Learn more about all your prevention options:
How to Create a Carousel in Instagram Feed:
- Download the images above.
- Open your Instagram app and tap Add Post.
- In the bottom right corner of the app, click Multiple-Image Post.
- You can select up to 10 images or videos to include. …
- Tap Next.
- Swipe to look through the images that you have selected. …
- When you’re finished with your edits, tap next to add in the caption.
- Click Share and your carousel post is now uploaded on the Instagram feed and profile page.
#DYK that only small percentage of people in the US who would benefit from PrEP, are being prescribed it? PrEP is effective for people of ALL genders. Find out if PrEP is right for you:
HIV Treatment
Getting and keeping an #undetectable viral load can keep you healthy and prevents transmission to your sexual partner. What does being undetectable mean to you?
Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTreatmentWorks #uequalsu
If you are in recovery and out of #HIV care, today can be the day you get back on HIV treatment. Learn more about staying in HIV care:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTreatmentWorks
Did you know that keeping an #undetectable viral load is the best thing you can do to stay healthy if you have #HIV? Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTreatmentWorks
Staying healthy with #HIV is about more than just medication. Learn more about each piece of the puzzle:
#StopHIVTogether #HIVTreatmentWorks
General Let’s Stop HIV Together and HIV Stigma
Expressing negative attitudes and beliefs about people with HIV is a form of bullying. Help #StopBullying by teaching others how to recognize and prevent #HIV stigma. Learn more:
#StopHIVTogether #StopHIVStigma
Stigma often creates barriers for people living with #HIV and even prevents some from seeking medical treatment. Let’s #StopHIVStigma together. Learn how:
Let’s be the generation that will #StopHIVTogether! With #HIV testing, condoms, PrEP, and treatment, there are many ways to stay healthy. Find the options that work best for you:
Let’s do our part by sharing facts about #PrEP, #PEP, and #HIV treatment. Together we can help #StopHivStigma and increase HIV awareness in our communities.
Spanish Content
La única manera de saber tu estatus es haciéndote una prueba del #VIH. Las auto-pruebas se pueden hacer a cualquier hora y en cualquier lugar. Aprende más:
The only way to know your status is by getting an HIV test. HIV self-tests can be done on your time and your own space. Learn more: #StopHIVTogether
Tú tienes el poder para ayudar a detener el estigma del VIH en tu comunidad. Aprende cómo: #DetengamosJuntosElVIH
You have the power to help end HIV stigma in your community. Learn how: #StopHIVTogether
¡Únete al movimiento! Hacerte la prueba del #VIH es cuidarte a ti mismo y es fácil, rápida y gratis. Aprender más:
Join the movement. Getting tested for HIV is self-care, and it’s easy, fast, and free. Learn more: