#StartTalkingHIV: Posts for Gay and Bisexual Men
Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit
#StartTalkingHIV: Posts for Gay and Bisexual Men

Looking for content tailored for gay and bisexual men? We’ve got you covered! This edition of our Let’s Stop HIV Together Social Media Toolkit contains ready-to-go messages for posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
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Social Media Content
Simply click the images in the left column to download. The sample copy in the right column can be used for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram posts. Keep in mind, however, that URLs do not become active links when used in an Instagram feed post. If you would like to direct Instagram users to an external webpage, you can do so in a story post by using the “link” button.
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Sample Copy
You are beautiful and wonderfully made. OWN IT and take control in choosing the #HIV prevention and treatment options that work best for you. Learn more: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether
Take control! #DYK that #HIV self-tests help you take charge of your sexual health?! Learn how to find free HIV self-test kits: cdc.gov/HIVSelfTesting
Communication is sexy. Before the fun starts, talk with your partners before sex about ways to prevent HIV, like using #condoms. Learn more about condoms: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Prevention
#StartTalkingHIV #StopHIVTogether
PrEP is a medicine to prevent #HIV. It can either be a pill or a shot. Learn more and decide if #PrEP is right for you: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Prevention
#StartTalkingHIV #StopHIVTogether
#PrEP for your sneaky links, by exploring ALL your #HIV prevention options. Learn more about PrEP and other options at: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Prevention
We can and must show love and compassion when talking about #HIV. Only then can we #StopHIVStigma. Learn how: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma
#StartTalkingHIV #StopHIVTogether
Stigma often creates barriers for people living with HIV and even prevents some from getting medical treatment. We can stand up together and #StopHIVStigma. Learn how: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma
Knowledge is power. Talk to your family and friends about the importance of #HIV testing, prevention, and treatment. Let’s normalize the conversation to #StopHIVTogether.
Words matter when talking about HIV. Brush up on your #HIV facts so you can help educate others: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Stigma
#StartTalkingHIV #StopHIVTogether #StopHIVStigma
Being supportive of people with #HIV helps them stay healthy. This includes sharing the facts around being #undetectable in your community. Learn about undetectable: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Treatment
#StartTalkingHIV #StopHIVTogether #UequalsU
Help #StopHIVStigma to improve the lives of those who are aging well with #HIV. Educate yourself and find out what you can do: cdc.gov/StopHIVTogether/Treatment
Spanish Content
El estigma del #HIV es una barrera para que alguien se haga la prueba. Ayuda a promover la prueba del VIH en tu comunidad. Aprende cómo: cdc.gov/Juntos
English translation: HIV stigma is a barrier to someone getting tested. Help promote HIV testing in your community. Learn how.
Hay más opciones que nunca para prevenir el #VIH. Encontra cuales opciones funcionarán mejor para ti: cdc.gov/PrevencionDelVIH
There are more options than ever before to prevent HIV. Find out which options work best for you.
Saber tu estatus del #VIH te ayuda a escoger opciones para mantenerte saludable. Hacerse la prueba del VIH puede ser gratis, rápido y confidencial. Aprende más: cdc.gov/PruebasDelVIH
Knowing your HIV status helps you make the decisions to stay healthy. Getting tested for HIV is free, fast, and confidential. Learn more.