NORA Manufacturing Sector Council

The NORA Manufacturing Council brings together individuals and organizations with a shared interest in improving safety and health for manufacturing workers. Council members share information, form partnerships, and promote adoption and dissemination of solutions that work. Contact the Council Co-Chair or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.
Understanding Respiratory Protection and Face Coverings
The NORA Manufacturing Council published Understanding Respiratory Protection and Face Covering in partnership with the National Association of Manufacturers. The publication aims to help small businesses understand the difference between face coverings and respirators as part of a respiratory protection program.
Hazardous Energy Control (Lockout and Other Means)
The Hazardous Energy Control (Lockout and Other Means) Resource Guide helps manufacturing employers implement effective strategies to control the release of hazardous energy. Members of the Manufacturing Sector Council compiled, reviewed, and adapted resources to help companies and businesses start or improve and maintain their existing Lockout Program. The resource guide offers sample lockout materials and templates.
Research Agenda
The NORA Manufacturing Sector Council identified research priorities for the third decade of NORA (2016-2026) in the National Occupational Research Agenda for Manufacturing. The agenda identifies six research objectives for the nation.
The objectives are not presented in any particular or prioritized order.
- Reduce the burden of acute and chronic occupational illnesses, injuries and fatalities in manufacturing by a) enhancing knowledge of occupational safety and health hazards and their effects, and b) developing effective interventions to reduce exposure to known occupational safety and health hazards.
- 1.1 Improve workplace safety to reduce traumatic injuries and fatalities in the manufacturing sector.
- 1.2 Contribute to the reduction of chronic diseases such as respiratory diseases, occupational cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurologic diseases, and adverse reproductive outcomes.
- 1.3 Contribute to the reduction of occupational musculoskeletal disorders in manufacturing.
- 1.4 Contribute to the reduction of occupational hearing loss in manufacturing.
- Improve surveillance of work-related hazards, exposures, and illnesses in the manufacturing industry.
- Examine emerging risks from new technologies and explore ways in which new technologies can advance occupational safety and health in manufacturing.
- Improve occupational safety and health for workers in non-traditional employment arrangements.
- Advance capacity-building and educational efforts in manufacturing.
- Develop mechanisms for effective translation of research into practice in the manufacturing sector.
The Manufacturing sector includes establishments engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products under . Establishments in the Manufacturing sector are often described as plants, factories, or mills. They often use power-driven machines and materials-handling equipment. There are over 15 million workers in manufacturing, who are at risk for
- hearing loss,
- musculoskeletal disorders,
- traumatic injuries, and
- hazardous chemical exposures.
The NIOSH Manufacturing Program facilitates the work of the Council and coordinates NIOSH research in this sector.