NORA Cancer, Reproductive, Cardiovascular, and Other Chronic Disease Prevention (CRC) Cross-Sector Council

The Cancer, Reproductive, Cardiovascular, and Other Chronic Disease Prevention (CRC) Council has several co-chairs — one co-chair from the NIOSH CRC Program along with a partner co-chair representing each of the three main health outcome areas (cancer, adverse reproductive outcomes, and cardiovascular disease).

The NIOSH Program manager and assistant coordinator also help to facilitate the work of the Council. Members attend meetings and participate in work-groups.

Contact the Co-chair or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.


Members Table
Name Organization
Co-Chair for Cancer
Jian Li, MD, PhD
Co-Chair for Cardiovascular Disease
University of California, Los Angeles
Jennita Reefhuis, PhD
Co-Chair for Adverse Reproductive Health Effects
CDC/National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities
Lauralynn Taylor McKernan, ScD, CIH
NIOSH Program Manager
Todd Stueckle, PhD, MA
Co-Chair, NIOSH Program Coordinator
Taylor Shockey, PhD, MPH
Co-Chair, NIOSH Program Coordinator
Kimberly Anderson, PhD
NIOSH Program Co-Assistant Coordinator
Paro Sen, MPH
NIOSH Program Co-Assistant Coordinator
Kristen Van Buren, DrPH, MPH
NIOSH Program Co-Assistant Coordinator
Lindsay Gill, PhD
NIOSH Program Co-Assistant Coordinator
Benjamin C. Amick III, PhD Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Services
Kavita Batra, MPH, PhD Univ of Nevada, Las Vegas
Laura Beane Freeman, PhD National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute
Paul A. Demers, PhD University of Toronto
Michael L. Eisenberg, MD Stanford University School of Medicine
Bernard Fontaine, Jr., CIH, CSP, FAIHA Windsor Consulting Group, Inc.
Bridgette Garrett, PhD, MS CDC/NIOSH
Hooman Golshahi, CIH,CSP,CRSP MSc Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Sara Jahnke, PhD NDRI-USA
Candice Johnson, PhD Duke University
Paul A. Landsbergis, PhD, EdD, MPH SUNY Downstate School of Public Health
Tina Lawson, PhD CDC/NIOSH
Leslie MacDonald, MS, ScD CDC/NIOSH
James McIntosh, CIH, CSP McIntosh Consultants; Marshall University
John D Meyer, MD, MPH Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Robert Nocco DABT, CIH, CSP Chevron Corporation (retired)
Nicole Olgun, PhD Gradient Corporation
Tyler Quinn, PhD West Virginia University
Linda Roberts, PhD, DABT NapaTox Consulting LLC (retired)
Carissa Rocheleau, PhD, MS CDC/NIOSH
Natasha Schaefer Solle PhD, RN University of Miami
Mary Schubauer-Berigan, PhD International Agency for Research on Cancer
Grace Sembajwe, ScD, MSc, CIH Indiana University Bloomington
Emily Smith, MPH, CHES Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America
John M. Violanti, PhD University at Buffalo, SUNY
Nancy Wilk, HBSC, MHSC, CIH WSP Canada
Andrea Wilkinson, MS, LAT, ATC CDC/NIOSH
Juan Zuniga United Steelworkers