Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Cross-Sector Council

The NORA Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Cross-Sector Council brings together individuals and organizations with a shared interest in a holistic approach to improving worker safety and health. Council members share information, form partnerships, and promote adoption and dissemination of solutions that work. Contact the Co-Chair or NORA Coordinator to volunteer.
The NORA HWD Council identified research priorities for the third decade of NORA (2016-2026) in the National Occupational Research Agenda for HWD. The agenda identifies seven research objectives for the nation.
Although there is some overlap in the risk factors and outcomes across the objectives, each has a unique primary focus:
- Identify and examine the impact of worker demographics on employer or organizational practices and worker safety, health, and well-being
- Improve the safety, health, and well-being of workers with non-standard work arrangements
- Address the safety and health implications of advancing technology
- Reduce work organization-related chronic health conditions among workers
- Decrease the burden of shift work, long hours of work, and sleep deficiency
- Improve the safety, health, and well-being of workers through healthier work design and better organizational practices
- Promote a sustainable work-nonwork interface
The HWD Council wrote an Implementation Plan with the goal of motivating action by researchers and interested parties to address the seven research objectives and associated gaps identified in the HWD research agenda. The Plan identifies achievable next steps to prevent adverse worker health and safety outcomes and improve the work experience.
Healthy Work-Design and Well-Being seeks to improve worker safety, health, and well-being through:
- Work design,
- Work environments, and
- Management practices.
Within the healthy work design framework, worker well-being encompasses positive physical, emotional, mental, and economic health. It also includes how these aspects of health relate to work and worker experiences from a comprehensive and holistic perspective.
The NIOSH Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Program facilitates the work of the Council and coordinates NIOSH research in this cross-sector.