At a glance
Learn how to earn continuing education units (CEUs) for successful completion of the Environmental Assessment Training Series 102: Skill building course, CDC Course Number: WB4596.

Course description and objectives
The goal of this activity is to teach how to conduct an environmental assessment in a food service setting as part of a larger foodborne illness outbreak investigation that spans across regional and state boundaries. This training expands upon the foundation skills taught in EATS 101 by giving students additional practice with environmental assessments with an additional challenge of working within a larger investigation team comprised of regional, state, and federal partners.
After completing this training, students will be able to do the following:
- Identify the steps for completing an environmental assessment.
- Identify contributing factors of the simulation outbreak.
- Classify the environmental antecedents of the simulation outbreak.
- Explain how multiple jurisdictions and agencies become involved in an investigation.
Want CEUs?
Course details
Faculty credentials
Brown, Laura PhD, Lead Behavioral Scientist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health
Course CEU renewal date
September 1, 2024
Course CEU expiration date
September 1, 2026
Course URL
Completion of Environmental Assessment Training Series (EATS) 101: Foundation Skills
Required hardware/software
Standard computer with internet access, keyboard, mouse, speakers or headphones, and video/graphics capabilities
Target audience
Epidemiologists, laboratorians, environmental health specialists, public health specialists, environmental health regulators, restaurant/food-chain regulators, business community, academia, public health sector
Contact information
Accreditation and quality

For continuing education units (CEUs)
CDC is authorized by IACET to offer 0.6 CEUs for this program.
For Certified Public Health (CPH) professionals
CDC is a preapproved provider of CPH recertification credits and is authorized to offer 6.0 CPH recertification credits for this program.
For National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) credential holders
CDC is a preapproved provider of continuing education (CE) credits and is authorized to offer 6 CE credits for this program. NEHA credential holders may self-report their CE in the MyNEHA portal.
In compliance with continuing education requirements, all planners and presenters must disclose all financial relationships, in any amount, with ineligible companies during the previous 24 months as well as any use of unlabeled product(s) or product(s) under investigational use.
CDC, our planners, and content experts wish to disclose they have no financial relationship(s) with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, reselling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.
Content will not include any discussion of the unlabeled use of a product or a product under investigational use.
CDC did not accept financial or in-kind support from ineligible companies for this continuing education activity.
How to receive continuing education
To receive continuing education for Environmental Assessment Training Series (EATS) 102: Skill building (web based), please visit CDC TRAIN and search for the course in the Course Catalog using WB4596. Follow the steps below by September 1,2026.
- Register for and complete the course.
- Pass the post-assessment at 80%.
- Complete the evaluation.
- Visit Your Learning to access your certificates and transcript.
No fees are charged for CDC's CE activities.
For assistance with CDC CE courses, please e-mail