At a glance
Certain practices and policies increase or decrease risk of outbreaks in restaurants. Find our summaries and publications on outbreak investigations and restaurant food safety practices.

Summaries and publications
Outbreak investigations
Investigation Summaries in Plain Language
Restaurant practices
Practice Summaries in Plain Language
Other retail food safety publications
Brown L, Smith C, Wildey L. Protecting retail food safety by strengthening partnerships and collaboration. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2022;84(7):32-4.
Byrne M, Laird T, Benschoter B, Wolfe J, McSwane D, Varma A, et al. Retail collaborative provides tools and resources to drive food safety. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2023;86(2):38–40.
Coleman E, Brown L. Environmental Assessment Training Series (EATS): Practical training for food safety officials hungry to enhance environmental assessment skills. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2018;81(2):44-6.
Green LR, Selman C, Scallan E, Jones TF, Marcus R, EHS-Net Population Working Group. Beliefs about meals eaten outside the home as sources of gastrointestinal illness. J Food Prot. 2005;68(10):2184-9.
Viveiros B, Caron G, Barkley J, Philo E, Odom S, Wenzel J, et al. Cake decorating luster dust associated with toxic metal poisonings — Rhode Island and Missouri, 2018–2019. MMWR. 2021; 70(43);1501-4. (Brown L)
Waltenburg MA, Victoroff T, Rose CE, Butterfield M, Jervis RH, Fedak KM, et al. Update: COVID-19 among workers in meat and poultry processing facilities―United States, April–May 2020. MMWR. 2020;69:887-92. (Zarate-Bermudez M)
Wildey LM, Laird T, Brown LG, O'Malley E, Gridley-Smith CL, Nutt E, et al. A collaborative approach to national Food Code adoption. J Environ Health. 2023;86(2):22–25.
Wittry B, Mack J. Food safety: Environmental health data matter. [commentary] J Environ Health. 2019;82(2):34-6.
Wittry BC, Hoover ER, Pomeroy MA, Dumas BL, Marshall KE, Yellman MA, et al. Characteristics associated with US adults' self-reported COVID-19 protective behaviors when getting food from restaurants, winter 2021. Public Health Rep. 2022;137(4):660-71. (Brown LG)