

ISSN: 1545-1151 |
6: No. 1, January 2009
Published on December 15, 2008 |
Table of ContentsThe special focus of this issue is tools for public health practice.
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See the January 2009 cover

A02: A
Promotora de Salud Model for Addressing Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Factors in the US-Mexico Border Region |
Héctor Balcázar, Matilde Alvarado, Frank Cantu, Veronica Pedregon,
Robert Fulwood |
Este resumen en español |
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A03: Mapping
Cancer for Community Engagement |
Kirsten M. M. Beyer, Gerard Rushton |
Este resumen en español |
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A04: Perceptions
of Individual and Community Environmental Influences on Fruit and
Vegetable Intake, North Carolina, 2004 |
Josephine E. A. Boyington, Britta Schoster, Kathryn Remmes Martin, Jack
Shreffler, Leigh F. Callahan |
Este resumen en español |
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A05: Health-Related
Quality of Life in Adults From 17 Family Practice Clinics in North
Carolina |
Leigh F. Callahan, Jack Shreffler, Thelma J. Mielenz, Jay S. Kaufman,
Britta Schoster, Randy Randolph, Philip Sloane, Robert DeVellis, Morris
Weinberger |
Este resumen en español |
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A06: Smoking,
Barriers to Quitting, and Smoking-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and
Patient Practices Among Male Physicians in China |
Marion Ceraso, Jane A. McElroy, Xiaodong Kuang, Peter M. Vila, Xueping
Du, Long Lu, Hongkun Ren, Ning Qian, Douglas E. Jorenby, Michael C.
Fiore |
Este resumen en español |
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A07: Sociodemographic
and Health Characteristics Associated With Attempting Weight Loss During
Pregnancy |
Jennifer H. Cohen, Hyoshin Kim |
Este resumen en español |
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A08: Methods
for a Survey of Overweight and Obesity Coordinated With Oral Health
Surveillance Among Ohio Third-Grade Students |
Elizabeth J. Conrey, Erinn M. Hade, Angela Norton, Heidi Scarpitti |
Este resumen en español |
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A09: Patterns
of Clinically Significant Symptoms of Depression Among Heavy Users of
Alcohol and Cigarettes |
Joan Faith Epstein, Marta Induni, Tom Wilson |
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A10: Self-Rated
Depression and Physician-Diagnosed Depression and Anxiety in Florida
Adults: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2006 |
Amy Z. Fan, Tara W. Strine, Youjie Huang, Melissa R. Murray, Senyoni
Musingo, Ruth Jiles, Ali H. Mokdad |
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A11: Child
Care as an Untapped Setting for Obesity Prevention: State Child Care
Licensing Regulations Related to Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Media
Use for Preschool-Aged Children in the United States |
Karen M. Kaphingst, Mary Story |
Este resumen en español |
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A12: Health
Care Utilization by Children With Asthma |
Hyoshin Kim, Gail M. Kieckhefer, April A. Greek, Jutta M. Joesch, Nazli
Baydar |
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A13: Work Time
and 11-Year Progression of Carotid Atherosclerosis in Middle-Aged
Finnish Men |
Niklas Krause, Richard J. Brand, Jussi Kauhanen, George A. Kaplan, S.
Leonard Syme, Candice C. Wong, Jukka T. Salonen |
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A14: Behavioral
Risk Factors Associated With Overweight and Obesity Among Older Adults:
the 2005 National Health Interview Survey |
Judy Kruger, Sandra A. Ham, Thomas R. Prohaska |
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A15: A
Community–School District–University Partnership for Assessing Physical
Activity of Tweens |
Robert J. McDermott, Jen Nickelson, Julie A. Baldwin, Carol A. Bryant,
Moya Alfonso, Leah M. Phillips, Rita D. DeBate |
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A16: Trends in
Incidence Rates of Tobacco-Related Cancer, Selected Areas, SEER Program,
United States, 1992-2004 |
Anthony P. Polednak |
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A17: The Impact of
a Communitywide Smoke-Free Ordinance on Smoking Among Older Adults |
John D. Prochaska, James N. Burdine, Kendra Bigsby, Marcia G. Ory,
Joseph R. Sharkey, Kenneth R. McLeroy, Nelda Mier, Brian Colwell |
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A18: Improving
Physical Activity Resource Guides to Bridge the Divide Between the
Clinic and the Community |
Hilary K. Seligman, Melanie D. Grossman, Nathalie Bera, Anita L. Stewart |
Este resumen en español |
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A19: Effect of
Socioeconomic Status on Weight Change Patterns in Adolescents |
Nancy E. Sherwood, Melanie Wall, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Mary Story |
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A20: Prevalence
of Overweight and Influence of Out-of-School Seasonal Periods on Body
Mass Index Among American Indian Schoolchildren |
Derek T. Smith, R. Todd Bartee, Christopher M. Dorozynski, Lucas J. Carr |
Este resumen en español |
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A21: Prevalence
of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors by Metropolitan Status in
4th-, 8th-, and 11th-Grade Students in Texas, 2004-2005 |
Andrew E. Springer, Deanna M. Hoelscher, Brian Castrucci, Adriana Perez,
Steven H. Kelder |
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A22: A Weight
Loss Intervention for African American Breast Cancer Survivors, 2006 |
Melinda R. Stolley, Lisa K. Sharp, April Oh, Linda Schiffer |
Este resumen en español |
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A23: Cancer
Risk Communication in Mainstream and Ethnic Newspapers |
Jo Ellen Stryker, Jessica Fishman, Karen M. Emmons, Kasisomayajula
Viswanath |
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A24: Relationship
of Perceived Environmental Characteristics to Leisure-Time Physical
Activity and Meeting Recommendations for Physical Activity in Texas |
Katherine S. Velasquez, Carole K. Holahan, Xiuhong You |
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A25: Predictors
of Increased Physical Activity in the Active for Life Program |
Sara Wilcox, Marsha Dowda, Andrea Dunn, Marcia G. Ory, Carol Rheaume,
Abby C. King |
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A26: Association
Between Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Inactivity
Among Active Kids |
Suzy L. Wong, PhD, MSc, Scott T. Leatherdale |
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A27: Influence
of Family History of Diabetes on Health Care Provider Practice and
Patient Behavior Among Nondiabetic Oregonians |
Amy I. Zlot, Mary Pat Bland, Kerry Silvey, Beth Epstein, Beverly Mielke,
Richard F. Leman |
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A28: WebEase:
Development of a Web-Based Epilepsy Self-Management Intervention |
Colleen DiIorio, Cam Escoffery, Katherine A. Yeager, Frances McCarty,
Thomas R. Henry, Archana Koganti, Elizabeth Reisinger, Elise Robinson,
Rosemarie Kobau, Patricia Price |
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A29: Workplace
Health Promotion in Washington State |
Jeffrey R. Harris, Patricia A. Lichiello, Peggy A. Hannon |
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A30: Using
Item Response Theory to Analyze the Relationship Between Health-Related
Quality of Life and Health Risk Factors |
Yongwen Jiang, Jana Earl Hesser |
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A31: Healthy
Communities Program |
Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Lucero Rodríguez-Cabrera, Elvia Macedo de la
Concha, Evangelina Álvarez García, Adrenalina Cebrián Gómez |
Este artículo en español |
A32: Implementation
of Mexico’s Health Promotion Operational Model |
Carlos Santos-Burgoa, Lucero Rodríguez-Cabrera, Lilia Rivero, Jorge Ochoa,
Adriana Stanford, Ljubica Latinovic, Gretel Rueda |
Este artículo en español |
A33: Developing
Family Healthware, a Family History Screening Tool to Prevent Common
Chronic Diseases |
Paula W. Yoon, Maren T. Scheuner, Cynthia Jorgensen, Muin J. Khoury |
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