What to know
- Data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study (NBDPS) and the Birth Defects Study To Evaluate Pregnancy exposureS (BD-STEPS) are not released to the public.
- Qualified researchers can be granted access to data through collaboration with one of the Centers for Birth Defects Research and Prevention (CBDRP).

About the NBDPS and BD-STEPS
The NBDPS is one of the largest U.S. studies that looks at risks and potential causes of birth defects. The NBDPS includes deliveries from 1997 to 2011. Mothers of more than 30,000 babies with birth defects and 10,000 babies without birth defects took part in this study.
BD-STEPS began collecting data on deliveries that occurred on or after January 1, 2014. BD-STEPS extends and focuses the efforts of the NBDPS and includes research into risks and potential causes of stillbirths.
Accessing data
To access the data for analysis, individuals must meet requirements to guarantee the confidentiality of participants. These requirements also ensure data are used in accordance with purposes for which the parents have signed consent. Interested researchers should follow the protocol detailed below.
Step 1: Review existing NBDPS and BD-STEPS publications
To date, over 400 papers have been written and published using data from the NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS. Before applying for data access, please review this list. Proposed analyses that overlap with previously published data will be denied.
Step 2: Identify a center for collaboration
All proposed analysis projects must be sponsored by one of the Centers for Birth Defects Research and Prevention (CBDRP). If a center is not indicated, it will be routed to the Georgia Center at the CDC.
Arkansas (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Wendy Nembhard, PhD, MPH, FACE
- Contact: ar@nbdps.org or ar@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Genetics, gene-environment interactions, congenital heart defects
California (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Gary Shaw, DrPH
- Contact: ca@nbdps.org or ca@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Diet, obesity, drugs, alcohol, stress, pollution, job, genetics
Georgia (CDC) (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Ailes, PhD
- Contact: ga@nbdps.org or ga@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Medication use during pregnancy, fertility treatments, novel statistical methods
Iowa (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Paul Romitti, PhD
- Contact: ia@nbdps.org or ia@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Smoking, alcohol use, genetics, medications, chemicals and toxin
Massachusetts (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Mahsa Yazdy, PhD
- Contact: ma@nbdps.org or ma@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Medication use during pregnancy
New York (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Meredith Howley, PhD
- Contact: ny@nbdps.org or ny@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Maternal illness and medications, environmental and genetic risk factors
North Carolina (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: Andrew Olshan, PhD
- Contact: nc@nbdps.org or nc@bdsteps.org
- Research focus: Genes and environment, diet, obesity and exercise, and work exposures
Texas (NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS analyses)
- Principal Investigator: A.J. Agopian, PhD
- Contact: tx@nbdps.org
- Research focus: Race/ethnicity, genes, diet, occupational and environmental factors
Utah (NBDPS analyses only)
- Principal Investigators: Marcia Feldkamp, PhD & Lorenzo Botto, MD
- Contact: ut@nbdps.org
- Research focus: Genetics, maternal infections, congenital heart defects
Step 3: Complete the collaboration request form
Download and complete the Collaboration Request Form.
Step 4: Submit the form to the identified center
Collaboration Request Forms should be emailed to the Principal Investigator of the selected collaborating center. Requests are reviewed by the CBDRP Data Sharing Committee based on the following:
- No overlap with an existing NBDPS and/or BD-STEPS research project
- Research project is designed to benefit public health
- No conflicts of interest are identified, including financial, social, or personal, that preclude the objective use of CBDRP data for the consented purposes
- Researcher is qualified to conduct the proposed research, including adequate training and adequate resources to comply with the requirements of the CBDRP Confidentiality and Data Use Acknowledgement