What to know
- The United States does not have a national birth defects tracking system.
- Most states have birth defects tracking systems that monitor selected birth defects.
- State data have been used to estimate the frequency of birth defects in the United States
- These tables present current national estimates of certain birth defects.

Fast stats
Brain/spine defects
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
Eye defects
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
Heart defects
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV)
1 in 4,237 births
Ebstein anomaly
1 in 12,916 births
Interrupted aortic arch (IAA)
1 in 10,058 births
Single ventricle
1 in 15,356 births
Transposition of the great arteries (TGA)
1 in 3,348 births
Mouth/face defects
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
Cleft lip alone
1 in 2,963 births
Cleft palate alone
1 in 1,583 births
Muscle/bone defects
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
1 in 536 births
Stomach/intestine defects
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
Rectal and large intestinal atresia/stenosis
1 in 2,220 births
Chromosome (gene) malformations
Specific defects
How often do they occur?
How many babies are affected each year?
Trisomy 13
1 in 6,967 births
Trisomy 18
1 in 3,336 births