Key points
- CDC is at the forefront of the nation's efforts to help employers build effective, science-based workplace health programs for their employees.
- Effective workplace health programs can reduce health risks and improve quality of life for workers in the United States.
- Learn more about CDC's role in creating effective workplace health programs through trainings, tools, data, and partnerships.

What it is
The CDC Workplace Health Program provides leadership to improve the health, safety, and well-being of employees through science-based workplace health promotion programs.
Our goals
- Increase the number of employers that provide workplace health promotion programs.
- Improve the quality of employers' efforts.
- Set the standard for best practices in workplace health and encourage their adoption.
What we do
- Develop innovative, web-based tools and resources that employers can use to assess their worksites and plan and evaluate workplace health programs.
- Offer model programs and training to help employers develop effective workplace health programs.
- Collect, analyze, and disseminate data to guide public health and employer action.
Our activities
1. Assessment & evaluations tools/resources
CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard is a tool for employers to evaluate and improve their workplace health promotion programs. It helps identify gaps, prioritize improvements, and ensure that programs follow proven health practices.
2. Workplace health programs & trainings
The Work@Health Program Training is an employer training to increase knowledge and capacity for building and sustaining a science-based workplace health program. It combines web-based and in-person trainings by certified trainers.
3. Data to guide employer action
CDC's Workplace Health in America is a nationally representative survey of U.S. employers describing U.S. workplace health promotion and protection programs and practices in worksites of all sizes, industries, and regions (2017).
How the program works
CDC's Workplace Health Program works with national employer groups and coalitions, state health agencies, academic institutions, employers, and other key groups to develop, set up, and promote effective strategies for improving health in the workplace.
Future direction
New activities focused on epidemiology, surveillance, and research will expand opportunities to understand and improve employee health and develop best practices, new tools, and resources for workplace health programs. The resulting information can then be used to develop new tools and resources and share them in worksites across the nation.