What to know
- CDC’s Centers of Excellence (COEs) were established in 2017 to conduct applied research and professional training.
- COEs are working to expand nationwide capacity to prevent and respond to emerging vector-borne diseases across the United States.

COEs established in 2022
In July 2022, CDC awarded four universities $40 million over 5 years to serve as COEs. These include the University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of California-Davis, University of Florida, and University of Wisconsin-Madison. The award provided $2 million to each COE the first year and $2 million to each COE the following 4 years.

COE goals
Conduct research
COEs conduct research on ways to prevent tick and mosquito bites or suppress populations of regionally important ticks and mosquitoes and their associated human disease pathogens.
COEs train a new generation of public health entomologists to serve as experts in vector-borne diseases.
COEs strengthen collaboration between the academic community and state, territorial, and local public health organizations, vector management programs, and other potential partners. Together, they develop, evaluate, and implement strategies that suppress ticks and mosquitoes and the pathogens they spread.
COE accomplishments
- Trained thousands of vector control professionals and students through nearly 100 training opportunities.
- Developed undergraduate and graduate degree programs or certificates in public health entomology at five universities.
- Spearheaded the creation of regional vector surveillance systems for centralized data tracking.
- Evaluated effectiveness of innovative mosquito and tick control methods.
- Provided resources and technical assistance to local organizations.
COEs, 2017—2022
CDC’s COEs were established in 2017 when five universities were awarded $51.5 million over 5 years. These included:
- Cornell University*
- University of California, Davis and Riverside
- University of Florida
- University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
*This COE’s workplan extended through December 2022.