At a glance
Find resources to learn more about organizations serving and supporting federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations.

Tribal Public Health Authorities
Federally Recognized Tribes
Contact information for federally recognized tribes, maintained by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
Tribal Epidemiology Centers
Part of the CDC-Indian Health Service (IHS) partnership to improve the health and well-being of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations.
Other Public Health Tribal-Serving Organizations (TSOs)
National Indian Health Board
Represents tribal governments that operate healthcare delivery systems through contracts and compacts, or that receive healthcare directly from IHS.
National Center for Urban Indian Health
A resource center for individuals and organizations dedicated to improving the health of AI/AN people living in urban areas.
Indian Area Health Boards
Indian-owned and operated nonprofit organizations that serve tribal communities.
Urban Indian Organizations
Nonprofit organizations responsible for establishing and administering an urban Indian health program and related activities as described in the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.