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View publications and reports on traumatic brain injury and concussion. This includes CDC MMWR and other journal articles, fact sheets, and reports to Congress.
New reports on National Concussion Surveillance System Pilot

MMWR articles
- Peterson, Alexis, and Karen Thomas. 2021. Incidence of Nonfatal Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Hospitalizations — United States, 2018, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 70: 1664-68.
- Daugherty, Jill, Hong Zhou, Kelly Sarmiento, and Dana Waltzman. 2021. Differences in State Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Deaths, by Principal Mechanism of Injury, Intent, and Percentage of Population Living in Rural Areas — United States, 2016–2018, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 70: 1447-52.
- Sarmiento K, Haileyesus T, Waltzman D, Daugherty J. Emergency Department Visits for Bicycle-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Children and Adults — United States, 2009–2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021;70:693–697.
- Waltzman, D., Womack, L.S., Thomas, K., & Sarmiento K. (2020). Trends in Emergency Department Visits due to Contact Sports-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Children–United States, 2001-2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 69, 870-874.
- Peterson AB, Kegler SR. Deaths from Fall-Related Traumatic Brain Injury — United States, 2008–2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:225–230. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6909a2.
- Daugherty, J., Waltzman, D., Sarmiento, K., Xu, L. 2019. Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths by Race/Ethnicity, Sex, Intent, and Mechanism of Injury – United States, 2000-2017. MMWR 68(46): 1050-1056.
- Sarmiento K, Thomas KE, Daugherty J, et al. Emergency Department Visits for Sports- and Recreation-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Children ― United States, 2010-2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019; 68(10); 237-242.
- DePadilla L, Miller GF, Jones SE, Peterson AB, Breiding MJ. Self-Reported Concussions from Playing a Sport or Being Physically Active Among High School Students — United States, 2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018;67:682–685. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6724a3
- Taylor CA, Bell JM, Breiding MJ, Xu L. Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths — United States, 2007 and 2013. MMWR Surveill Summ 2017;66(No. SS-9):1–16. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.ss6609a1
- Kucera KL, Yau RK, Register-Mihalik J, et al. Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Fatalities Among High School and College Football Players — United States, 2005–2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017;65:1465–1469. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6552a2
- Gilchrist J, Thomas KE, Xu L, McGuire LC, Coronado VG. Nonfatal Traumatic Brain Injuries Related to Sports and Recreation Activities Among Persons Aged ≤19 Years — United States, 2001–2009. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2011;60(39);1337-1342.
- Coronado VG, Xu, L, Basavaraju SV, et al. Surveillance for Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Deaths — United States, 1997–2007. MMWR Surveillance Summaries 2011;60(SS05);1-32.
Journal articles
- Waltzman, Dana PhD; Sarmiento, Kelly MPH; Daugherty, Jill PhD; Lumba-Brown, Angela MD; Klevens, Joanne MD, PhD; Miller, Gabrielle F. PhD. Firearm-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Homicides in the United States, 2000-2019. Neurosurgery ():10.1227/neu.0000000000002367, January 25, 2023. | DOI: 10.1227/neu.0000000000002367.
- Daugherty J, Sarmiento S, Breiding M. Comparison of self-reported lifetime concussions and mild traumatic brain injuries among adults. Brain Inj. 2023 Feb 9;1-8. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2023.2175909.
- Kerr ZY, Chandran A, Nedimyer AK, Rothschild AE, Kay MC, Gildner P, Byrd KH, Haarbauer-Krupa JK, Register-Mihalik JK. (2022). Use of sport-related concussion information sources among parents of United States middle school children. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2022;11(6):716-724.
- Daugherty J, Treves-Kagan S, Gottfredson NC, Miedema, S. & Haarbauer-Krupa, J. (2022) Does binge drinking mediate the relationship between four adverse childhood experiences and adult traumatic brain injury? Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 Cohort. Injury Prevention Published Online First: 02 November 2022. DOI: 10.1136/ip-2022-044710.
- Thomas, Danny G., Erpenbach, Holly, Hickey, Robert W., Waltzman, Dana, Haarbauer-Krupa, Juliet, Nelson, Lindsay, Patterson, Charity G., McCrea, Michael, Collins, Michael & Kontos, Anthony, Implementation of Active Injury Management (AIM) in Youth with Acute Concussion: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 22 June 2022.
- Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Thigpen, S, Glang, A, Eagan-Johnson, B, McAvoy, K, Brunken, C, Chinnis, M, Kurowski, BG, Suskauer, S, Crowley, M, & Denslow, P. (2022). Return to School after Traumatic Brain Injury: Description of Implementation Settings. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000859.
- Kurowski, Brad G. MD, MS; Haarbauer-Krupa, Juliet PhD, FACRM; Giza, Christopher C. MD, FAAN. When Traumatic Brain Injuries in Children Become Chronic Health Conditions. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation DOI:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000842.
- Daugherty, Jill, Kelly Sarmiento, Dana Waltzman, and Likang Xu. 2022. Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Hospitalizations and Deaths in Urban and Rural Counties – 2017, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 79: 288-96.
- Daugherty, Jill, Dana Waltzman, Shena Popat, Amy Horn Groenendaal, Maggie Cherney, and Alana Knudson. 2022. Challenges and opportunities in diagnosing and managing mild traumatic brain injury in rural settings, Rural Remote Health, 22: 7241.
- Miller, Gabrielle, Kelly Sarmiento, Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, and Sherry Everett Jones. 2022. The Association Between School District-Based Policies Related to Concussions and Concussions Among High School Students, Journal of School Health, 92: 140-47.
- Sarmiento, Kelly, Dana Waltzman, Jill Daugherty, Catherine Okoro, and Scott Proescholdbell. 2022. Association Between Self-Reported Disability and Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury With Loss of Consciousness Among Veterans and Nonveterans in North Carolina, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Waltzman, Dana, Jill Daugherty, Kelly Sarmiento, Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, Hillary Campbell, and Deanna Ferrell. 2022. Prevalence of suspected concussions among K-12 students in Utah: Findings from Utah's Student Injury Reporting System, Journal of School Health, 92: 241-51.
- Waltzman, Dana, Juliet Haarbauer-Krupa, and Lindsay Womack. 2022. Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults—A Public Health Perspective, JAMA Neurology, 79: 437-38.
- Waltzman, Dana, Kelly Sarmiento, Jill Daugherty, and Scott Proescholdbell. 2022. Examination of Behaviors and Health Indicators for Individuals with a Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury with Loss of Consciousness: 2018 BRFSS North Carolina, North Carolina Medical Journal, 83: 206-13.
- Womack, Lindsay, Matthew Breiding, and Jill Daugherty. 2022. Concussion Evaluation Patterns Among US Adults, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.
- Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Pugh, MJ, Prager, EM, Harmon, N, Wolfe, J, & Yaffee, K. (2021). Epidemiology of Chronic Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma,
- Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Register-Mihalik, J, Nedimyer, AK, Chandran A, Kay, MC, Gilder, P, & Kerr, Z. (2020). Factors associated with concussion symptom knowledge and attitudes towards concussion care-seeking among parents of children aged 5-10 years. Journal of Safety Research,
- Sarmiento K, Waltzman D, Devine O, Zhang X, DePadilla L, Kresnow MJ, Borradaile K, Hurwitz A, Jones D, Goyal R, Breiding MJ. Differences in head impact exposures between youth tackle and flag football games and practices: Potential implications for prevention strategies. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2021 May 17:3635465211011754. doi: 10.1177/03635465211011754
- Sarmiento K, Waltzman D, Wright D. Do healthcare providers assess for risk factors and talk to patients about return to driving after a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)? Findings from the 2020 DocStyles Survey. Injury Prevention. 2021 Jan 15:injuryprev-2020-044034. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2020-044034.
- Sarmiento K, Daugherty J, Waltzman D. 2021. Effectiveness of the CDC HEADS UP online training on healthcare providers' mTBI knowledge and self-efficacy. Journal of Safety Research. 2021.
- Sarmiento K, Daugherty J, Haarbauer-Krupa J. Healthcare providers' self-reported pediatric mild traumatic brain injury diagnosis, prognosis, and management practices: Findings from the 2019 DocStyles Survey. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2021 Feb 22. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000671.
- Peterson AB, Gabella BA, Johnson J, Hume B, Liu A, Costich JF, Hathaway J, Slavova S, Johnson R, Breiding M. Multisite medical record review of emergency department visits for unspecified injury of head following the ICD-10-CM coding transition. Injury Prevention. 2021 Mar;27(S1):i13-i18. doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2019-043517.
- Miller G, Daugherty J, Waltzman D, Sarmiento K. Predictors of traumatic brain injury morbidity and mortality: Examination of data from the national trauma data bank: Predictors of TBI morbidity & mortality. Injury. 2021:S0020-1383(21)00080-2. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2021.01.042.
- Waltzman D, Sarmiento K, Devine O, et al. Head Impact Exposures Among Youth Tackle and Flag American Football Athletes. Sports Health. February 2021. doi: 10.1177/1941738121992324
- Haarbauer-Krupa, J. Lebrun-Harris, Black, LI, Veliz, P., Daugherty, J., Desrocher, R., Schulenberg, J., Pilkey ,D., & Breiding, M. (2021). Comparing prevalence estimates of concussion/head injury in U.S. children and adolescents: An examination of national surveys. Annals of Epidemiology, 54: 11-20.
- Valera, EM, Joseph, AC, Snedaker, K, Breiding, MJ, Robertson, CL, Coantonio, A, Levin, H, Pugh, MJ, Yurgelun-Todd, D, Mannix, R, Bazarian, JJ, Turtzo, LC, Turkstra, LS, Begg, K., Cummings, DM, Bellgowan, P. (2021). Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury in Females: A State-of-the-Art Summary and Future Directions. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 36(1): E1-E17.
- Daugherty, Jill, Kelly Sarmiento, Lindsay Womack, and Matthew Breiding. 2021. Symptom profile of affirmative responses to a self-report concussion question, Brain Injury, Online Ahead of Print: 1-5.
- Miller, Gabrielle, Bridget Lyons, Alexis Peterson, Ketra Rice, and Kristin Holland. 2021. Reported History of Traumatic Brain Injury Among Suicide Decedents: National Violent Death Reporting System, 2003–2017, Am J Prev Med, 000: 1-8.
- Sarmiento, Kelly, and Dana Waltzman. 2021. American Football: Watch Your Head!, Frontiers for Young Minds, 9.
- Daugherty, J., DePadilla, L., Sarmiento, K., & Breiding, M. J. (2020). Self-Reported Lifetime Concussion Among Adults: Comparison of 3 Different Survey Questions. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 35(2): E136-E143. 1-7. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000534
- Daugherty, J., Thomas, K., Waltzman, D., & Sarmiento, K. (2020). State-Level Numbers and Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in 2014. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 35(6), E461-E468.
- Daugherty, J., Thomas, K., Waltzman, D., Sarmiento, K., & Haarbauer-Krupa, J. (2020). Informing Data-Driven Strategies to Prevent Traumatic Brain Injury at the State and Local Level. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 35(6), E458-E460.
- Daugherty, J., Waltzman, D., Popat, S., Groenendaal, A. H., Cherney, M., & Knudson, A. (2020). Rural Primary Care Providers' Experience and Usage of Clinical Recommendations in the CDC Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Rural Health. doi:10.1111/jrh.12530
- Daugherty, J., Waltzman, D., Snedekar, K., Bouton, J., Zhang, X., & Wang, D. (2019). Concussion experiences in New England private preparatory high school students who played sports or recreational activities. Journal of School Health.
- Fong A., Allen, M.A., Waltzman, D., Sarmiento, K., Yeates, K.O., Suskauer, S.J., Wintermark, M., Lindberg, D., Tate, D.F., Loewen, J., & Wilde, E.A. (2020). Neuroimaging in Pediatric Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Relating the current 2018 CDC guideline and the potential of advanced neuroimaging modalities for research and clinical biomarker development. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Hammond, FM., Ketchum, JM, Dams-O'Connor, K., Corrigan, JD, Miller, AC, Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Faul, M. Trexler, L, Harrison-Felix, C. (2020). Mortality secondary to unintentional poisoning after inpatient rehabilitation for moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma: DOI: 10.1089/neu.2020.7038.
- Master, CL, Curry, AE, Pfeiffer, MF, Metzger, KB, Kessler, RS, Haarbauer-Krupa, J, DePadilla, L, Greenspan, A, Breiding, MJ, Arbogast, KB, (2020). Characteristics of Concussion in School-aged Children: Implications for Clinical Management. Journal of Pediatrics: 1-8.
- Podolak, OE, Chaudhary, S, Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Metzger, KB, Curry, AE, Kessler, RS, Pfeiffer, MR, Breiding, MJ, Master, CL, Arbogast, KB. (2020). Characteristics of Diagnosed Concussions in Children 0-4 Years of Age Presenting to a Large Pediatric Healthcare Network. Pediatric Emergency Medicine, 00:00-00.
- Sarmiento, K., Daugherty, J., DePadilla, L., & Breiding, M. J. (2020). Examination of sports and recreation-related concussion among youth ages 12–17: results from the 2018 YouthStyles survey. Brain injury, 34(3), 357-362. doi:10.1080/02699052.2020.1723165
- Sarmiento, K., Kennedy, J., Daugherty, J., Peterson, A. B., Evans, M. E., Haberling, D. L., & Billie, H. (2020). Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits Among American Indian and Alaska Native Persons—National Patient Information Reporting System, 2005-2014. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 35(5), E441-E449.
- Sarmiento K, Miller GF, Jones SE. (2020). Sports- or Physical Activity-Related Concussions and Feelings of Sadness or Hopelessness Among U.S. High School Students: Results From the 2017 Youth Behavior Risk Survey. Journal of School Nursing. Aug 13:1059840520945389. doi: 10.1177/1059840520945389.
- Sarmiento, K., Thomas, K., Daugherty, J., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., & Waltzman, D. (2020). State-Level Numbers and Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths by Age, 2014. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 35(6), E469-E480.
- Sarmiento K., Waltzman, D., Borradaile, K., Hurwitz, A., Conroy, M.S., & Grazi, J., (2020). A qualitative study of youth football coaches' perception of concussion safety in American youth football and their experiences with implementing tackling interventions. International Sport Coaching Journal. doi:10.1123/iscj.2020-0004.
- Waltzman, D., Daugherty, J., Sarmiento, K., & Proescholdbell, S. (2020). Lifetime History of Traumatic Brain Injury With Loss of Consciousness and the Likelihood for Lifetime Depression and Risk Behaviors: 2017 BRFSS North Carolina. J Head Trauma Rehabil. doi:10.1097/htr.0000000000000603
- Waltzman, D., Daugherty, J., Snedekar, K., Bouton, J., & Wang, D. (2020). Concussion reporting, return to learn, and return to play experiences in a sample of private preparatory high school students. Brain injury, 1-9. doi:10.1080/02699052.2020.1793388
- Waltzman, D., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Daugherty, J., Thomas, K., & Sarmiento, K. (2020). State-Level Numbers and Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths by Sex, 2014. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 35(6), E481-E489.
- Miller GF, Kegler SR, Stone DM. Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Deaths From Firearm Suicide: United States, 2008-2017. American Journal of Public Health. 2020 Apr 16:e1-e3. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305622. [Epub ahead of print]
- Sarmiento K, Daugherty J, DePadilla L, Breiding MJ. Examination of sports and recreation-related concussion among youth ages 12–17: results from the 2018 YouthStyles survey. Brain Injury. 2020;34(3): 357-362. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1723165.
- Waltzman D, Hoffman R, Donnell Z, Bell E, Sarmiento K. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's HEADS UP Branding and Evaluation Process. Health Education Journal. 2020 Mar;79(2):180-194. doi: 10.1177/0017896919873931.
- Daugherty J, DePadilla L, Sarmiento K. Self-Reported Lifetime Concussion among Adults: Comparison of Three Different Survey Question. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2020;35(2): E136-E143. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000534.
- DePadilla L, Miller GF, and Everett Jones S. An Examination of Four Questions Assessing Self-Reported Concussion among High School Students Participating in Team Sports. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 2020. 26(2): E23-E27.
- Sarmiento K, Donnell Z, Bell E, Tennant B, Hoffman R. A qualitative study of barriers and opportunities for concussion communication and management among parents of youth sports athletes. Journal of Concussion. 2019 Jan 1;3. doi: 10.1177/2059700219861863.
- McAvoy, K, Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Lundine, JP, Ferris, A, Hansen, J, Hiltz,C, Jantz, PB, Valovich McLeod, TC, Thomas, DG. (2019). What School Personnel Need to Know about the CDC Guideline on the Diagnosis and Management of Mild TBI in Children. Journal of School Health, 89: 941-944. DOI: 10.1111/josh.12834.
- Lowry, R, Haarbauer-Krupa, JK, Breiding, MJ, Thigpen, S, Rasberry, CN, Lee, SM, (2019). Concussion and Academic Impairment among US High School Students. American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 57(6):733−740.
- Sarmiento, K., Daugherty, J. DePadilla, L. 2019. Youth and High School Sports Coaches' Experience with and Attitudes about Concussion and Access to Athletic Trainers by Sport Type and Age of Athlete Coached. Journal of Safety Research 69: 217-225.
- Daugherty, J., DePadilla, L., Sarmiento, K. 2019. Effectiveness of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HEADS UP coaches' online training as an educational intervention. Health Education 78(7): 784-797.
- Daugherty, J., Miles, I., Sarmiento, K., Sansone, C., Kroshus, E. Bethea, B. 2019. A description and preliminary usability testing evaluation of the concussion education application HEADS UP Rocket Blades. Health Promotion Practice 20(1): 22-30.
- Peterson A, Sarmiento K, Xu L, Haileyesus T. Traumatic brain injury-related hospitalizations and deaths among American Indians and Alaska natives — United States, 2008–2014. Journal of Safety Research. Available online 11/13/19. In press, corrected proof.
- Curry, A.E., Arbogast, K.B., Metzger, K.B., Kessler, R.S., Breiding, M.J., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., DePadilla, L., Greenspan, A. and Master, C.L. (2019). Risk of Repeat Concussion Among Patients Diagnosed at a Pediatric Care Network. The Journal of Pediatrics, 210, 13-19.
- Suskauer, S.J., Yeates, K.O., Sarmiento, K., Benzel, E., Breiding, M.J., Broomand, C., Haarbauer-Krupa, J., Turner, M., Weissman, B., Lumba-Brown, A. (2019). Strengthening the evidence base: Recommendations for future research identified through the development of CDC's Pediatric Mild TBI Guideline. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 34, 214-223.
- Sarmiento, K., Lumba-Brown, A., Breiding, M.J., Gordon, W., Paulk, D., Vitale, K., & Sleet, D.A. (2019). Improving the Care of Young Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: CDC's Evidence-Based Pediatric Mild TBI Guideline. In: Rippe, J.M. (Ed.). Lifestyle Medicine, Third Edition (pp.1319-1326). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
- Sarmiento, Kelly; Donnell, Zoe; Bell, Elizabeth; and Hoffman, Rosanne (2019) "Barriers and Opportunities for Concussion Communication and Management in Youth Sports: A qualitative study," Journal of Athlete Development and Experience: Vol. 1 : Iss. 3 , Article 4.Available at:
- Weissman B, Joseph M, Gronseth G, Sarmiento K, Giza CC. CDC's guideline on pediatric mild traumatic brain injury: Recommendations for neurologists. Neurology Clinical Practice. 2019 Jun;9(3):241-249. doi: 10.1212/CPJ.0000000000000624. Review.
- Sarmiento K, Gioia GA, Kirkwood MW, Wade SL, Yeates KO. A commentary for neuropsychologists on CDC's guideline on the diagnosis and management of mild traumatic brain injury among children. Clinical Neuropsychology. 2019 Sep 18:1-19. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2019.1660806. [Epub ahead of print]
- Sarmiento K, Donnell Z, Bell E, Hoffman R. From the CDC: A qualitative study of middle and high school professionals' experiences and views on concussion: Identifying opportunities to support the return to school process. Journal of Safety Research. 2019 Feb;68:223-229. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2018.10.010. Epub 2018 Nov 3.
- Timmons SD, Waltzman D, Duhaime AC, Spinks TJ, Sarmiento K. Considerations for neurosurgeons: recommendations from the CDC Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Guideline. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2019 Jun 7;131(3):979-983. doi: 10.3171/2019.3.JNS183339.
- Waltzman D, Sarmiento K. What the research says about concussion risk factors and prevention strategies for youth sports: A scoping review of six commonly played sports. Journal of Safety Research. 2019 Feb;68:157-172. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2018.11.005. Epub 2018 Dec 12.
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Haileyesus T, Gilchrist J, Mack KA, Law CS, Joseph A. (2019). Fall-related Traumatic Brain Injury in Children Ages 0-4 years, Journal of Safety Research,70: 127 33.
- Curry AE, Arbogast KB, Metzger KB, Kessler RS, Breiding MJ, Haarbauer-Krupa J, DePadilla L, Greenspan A , Master CL, (2019) Risk of repeat concussions among patients diagnosed with a concussion within a large pediatric care network, Journal of Pediatrics, 2:1-7.
- Dams-O'Connor K, Ketchum JM, Cuthbert JP, Corrigan J, Hammond FM, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Kowalski RG, Miller AC. (2019). Functional Outcome Trajectories following Inpatient Rehabilitation for TBI in the United States: A NIDILRR TBIMS and CDC Interagency Collaboration. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000484.
- Daugherty J, Sarmiento K. 2018. "Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: what do parents of youth athletes know about it?" Brain Injury 32(13-14): 1773-1779.
- Suskauer, SJ, Yeates, KO, Sarmiento, K, Benzel, E, Breiding, MJ, Broomand, C, Haarbauer-Krupa, J, Turner, M, Weissman, B, Lumba-Brown. A. (2018). Strengthening the Evidence Base: Recommendations for Future Research Identified through the Development of CDC's Pediatric Mild TBI Guideline. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 2019. Jan 2. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000455.
- Corrigan, JD, Harrison-Felix, C, Haarbauer-Krupa, J. (2018). Epidemiology of Traumatic Brain Injury In J.M. Silver, T.W. McAllister, D.B. Arciniegas (Eds.), Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury, 3rd Edition (pp. 3-25).
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Lee AH, Bitsko RH, Zhang X, Kresnow-Sedacca MJ. Prevalence of Parent-Reported Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and Associated Health Conditions. JAMA Pediatrics. Published online September 24, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.2740
- Kerr ZY, Register-Mihalik JK, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Kroshus E, Go V, Gildner P, Byrd KH, Marshall SW. Using opinion leaders to address intervention gaps in concussion prevention in youth sports: key concepts and foundational theory. Injury Epidemiology. December 2018, 5:28. DOI:
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Comstock RD, Lionbarger MR, Hirsch S, Kavee A, Lowe B Healthcare professional involvement and RTP compliance in high school athletes with concussion. Brain Injury. June 2018.
- Nishijima DK, Gaona SD, Waechter T, Maloney R, Blitz , Elms AR, Farrales RD, Montoya J, Bair , Howard C, Gilbert M, Trajano RP, Hatchel KM, Faul M, Bell JM, Coronado VC, Vinson DR, Ballard DW, Tancredi DJ, Garzon H, Mackey KE, Shahlaie K, Holmes JF. The Incidence of Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Head-Injured Older Adults Transported by EMS with and without Anticoagulant or Antiplatelet Use. Journal of Neurotrauma. Mar 2018.
- Sarmiento K, Donnell Z, Hoffman R, Tennant B. Healthcare providers' attitudes and behaviours related to pediatric mild traumatic brain injury: results from the 2014 DocStyles survey. Brain Inj. 2018 Apr 23:1-5. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1466197
- Chenoweth JA, Gaona SD, Faul M, Holmes JF, Nishijima DK. Incidence of Delayed Intracranial Hemorrhage in Older Patients After Blunt Head Trauma. JAMA Surg. Published online February 14, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2017.6159
- Donnell Z, Hoffman R, Sarmiento K, Hays C. Concussion attitudes, behaviors, and education among youth ages 12-17: Results from the 2014 YouthStyles survey. J Safety Res. 2018 Feb; 64:163-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2017.12.001.
- Daugherty J, Miles I, Sarmiento K, Sansone C, Kroshus E and Bethea B. A Description and Evaluation of the Concussion Education Application HEADS UP Rocket Blades. Health Promotion Practice. 2018; 19: 1-9.
- Waltzman D and Daugherty J. Concussion knowledge and experience among a sample of American adults. Journal of Concussion. 2018; 2. DOI:
- Fuentes MM, Wang J, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Yeates KO, Durbin D, Zonfrillo MR, Jaffe KM, Temkin N, Tulsky D, Bertisch H, Rivara FP. (2018) Unmet Rehabilitation Needs After Hospitalization for Traumatic Brain Injury. Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2017-2859
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Arbogast KB, Metzger KB, Greenspan AI, Kessler R, Curry AE, Bell JM, DePadilla L, Pfeiffer MR, Zonfrillo MR, Master CL. (2018) Variations in Mechanisms of Injury for Children with Concussion. The Journal of Pediatrics. DOI:
- Bell JM, Breiding MJ, DePadilla L. CDC's Efforts to Improve Traumatic Brain Injury Surveillance. Journal of Safety Research. 2017; 62: 253-256. DOI:
- Sarmiento K, Donnell Z, Hoffman R.A Scoping Review to Address the Culture of Concussion in Youth and High School Sports. J Sch Health. 2017 Oct;87(10):790-804. doi: 10.1111/josh.12552.
- Zogg CK, Haring RS, Xu L, Canner JK, AlSulaim H, Hashmi ZG, Salim A, Engineer LD, Haider AH, Bell JM, Schneider EB. The Epidemiology of Pediatric Head Injury Treated Outside of Hospital Emergency Departments. Epidemiology 2017. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000791
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Ciccia A, Dodd D, Ettel D, Kurowski B, Lumba-Brown A & Suskauer S. (2016) Service Delivery in the Healthcare and Educational Systems for Children following Traumatic Brain Injury: Gaps in Care, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, published online ahead of publication: doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000287
- Arbogast KB, Curry AE, Metzger KB, Kessler RS, Bell JM, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Zonfrillo MR, Breiding MJ, Master CL. Improving Primary Care Provider Practices in Youth Concussion Management. Clinical Pediatrics. 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0009922817709555.
- Viano DC, Parenteau CS, Xu L, Faul M. Head injuries (TBI) to adults and children in motor vehicle crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2017. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2017.1285023.
- Nishijima DK, Gaona SD, Waechter T, Maloney R, Bair T, Blitz A, Elms A, Farrales RD, Howard C, Montoya J, Bell JM, Faul M, Vinson DR, Garzon H, Holmes JF, Ballard DW. Out-of-Hospital Triage of Older Adults With Head Injury: A Retrospective Study of the Effect of Adding "Anticoagulation or Antiplatelet Medication Use" as a Criterion. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 2017 Feb 24. DOI: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.12.018.
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Taylor CA, Yue JK, Winkler EA, Pirracchio R, Cooper SR, Burke JF, Stein MB, Manley GT. Screening for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in a Civilian Emergency Department Population with Traumatic Brain Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2017 Jan 1;34(1):50-58. DOI: 10.1089/neu.2015.4158.
- Sarmiento K, Hoffman R, Donnell Z, Bloodgood, B. A case study of lessons learned and the evolution of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's HEADS UP concussion in sports campaign. Case Studies in Strategic Communication, 2016; 5:15.
- Haarbauer-Krupa J. Unintentional injury after traumatic brain injury: issues, assessment, and reducing risk. NeuroRehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2016 August; 39(3):1-2. DOI: 10.3233/NRE-161365
- Baldwin GT, Breiding MJ, Sleet D. Commentary – Using the Public Health Model to Address Unintentional Injuries and TBI: A perspective from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NeuroRehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2016 August; 39(3):1-4. DOI: 10.3233/NRE-161366
- Haarbauer-Krupa J, Taylor CA, Yue JK, Winkler EA, Pirracchio R, Cooper SR, Burke JF, Stein MB, Manley GT, and the TRACK-TBI Investigators. Screening for post-traumatic stress disorder in a civilian emergency department population with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. June 2016, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/neu.2015.4158.
- Arbogast KB, Curry AE, Pfeiffer MR, Zonfrillo MR, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Breiding MJ, Coronado VG, Master CL. Point of healthcare entry for youth concussion within a large pediatric care network. JAMA Pediatrics 2016 May; 170(4): epub ahead of print.
- Cheng TA, Bell JM, Haileyesus T, Gilchrist J, Sugerman DE, Coronado VG. Nonfatal playground-related traumatic brain injuries among children, 2001-2013. Pediatrics published online: May 2, 2016 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-2721.R3).
- Faul M, Xu L, Sasser S. Hospitalized Traumatic Brain Injury: Low Trauma Center Utilization and High Interfacility Transfers among Older Adults. Prehospital Emergency Care, DOI:10.3109/10903127.2016.1149651.
- Parker EM, Gilchrist J, Schuster D, Lee R, Sarmiento K. Reach and knowledge change among coaches and other participants of the online course: "concussion in sports: what you need to know". J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2015 May-Jun; 30(3):198-206. DOI: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000097
- The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation special May/June 2015 issue features research from CDC and traumatic brain injury (TBI) partners. The issue highlights the need for strategies to prevent TBI and reduce their substantial physical, psychological, economic, and social impacts.
- Taylor CA, Greenspan AI, Xu L, Kresnow M. Comparability of national estimates for traumatic brain injury-related medical encounters. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2015; 30 (3): 150–159.
- Cuthbert JP, Harrison-Felix C, Corrigan JD, Bell JM, Haarbauer-Krupa JK, Miller AC. Unemployment in the United States after traumatic brain injury for working-age individuals: prevalence and associated factors 2 years postinjury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2015; 30 (3): 160–174.
- Coronado VG, Haileyesus T, Cheng TA, Bell JM, Haarbauer-Krupa J, Lionbarger MR, Flores-Herrera J, McGuire LC, Gilchrist J. Trends in sports- and recreation-related traumatic brain injuries treated in US emergency departments: The National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program (NEISS-AIP) 2001-2012. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2015; 30 (3): 185–197.
- Taylor CA, Greenspan AI, Xu L, Kresnow M. Comparability of national estimates for traumatic brain injury-related medical encounters. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2015; 30 (3): 150–159.
- Harrison-Felix C, Pretz C, Hammond FM, Cuthbert JP, Bell, J, Corrigan J, Miller AC, Haarbauer-Krupa J. Life expectancy after inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury in the United States. J Neurotrauma 2015;32(23):1893-1901.
- Surveillance Report of Traumatic Brain Injury-related Deaths by Age Group, Sex, and Mechanism of Injury—United States, 2018 and 2019
- Surveillance Report of Traumatic Brain Injury-related Hospitalizations and Deaths by Age Group, Sex, and Mechanism of Injury—United States, 2016 and 2017
- Surveillance Report of Traumatic Brain Injury-related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths—United States, 2014
- Surveillance of TBI-related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths—United States, 2001-2010
- One and Five Year Outcomes After Moderate-to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Requiring Inpatient Rehabilitation: Traumatic Brain Injury Report (May 2018)
- Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations and Deaths 2002-2006 (Blue Book)
- Brain Trauma Guidelines
- Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: The Future of Registries and Data Systems
- Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Assessing Outcomes in Children
Reports to Congress
- Report to Congress on The Management of Traumatic Brain Injury in Children (February 2018)
- Report to Congress on Traumatic Brain Injury Epidemiology and Rehabilitation: Recommendations for Addressing Critical Gaps (March 2015)
- Report to Congress on Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Understanding the Public Health Problem among Current and Former Military Personnel (June 2013)
- Report to Congress on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Steps to Prevent a Serious Public Health Problem (September 2003)
- Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: A Report to Congress (December 1999)
Fact sheets
- Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury is a Lifelong Condition
- Facts about Concussion and Brain Injury
- At a Glance: CDC uses TBI data and research to save lives
- Traumatic Brain Injury in Prisons and Jails: An Unrecognized Problem
- Victimization of Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury or Other Disabilities: A Fact Sheet for Professionals