What to know
Quitting smoking is beneficial at any age. Keep talking to your patients about tobacco use.

Talking to patients
Health care professionals from all fields can play a role in helping patients quit. Smoking harms nearly every organ system in the body and overcoming tobacco dependence can be challenging. The good news is quitting smoking has benefits no matter a patient's age or how long they have been smoking.
Most U.S. adults who smoke report wanting to quit, and while there are evidence-based treatments that can help, these treatments are largely underutilized. Health care professionals from all specialties and across disciplines and care settings are needed to help make further progress in addressing the tobacco epidemic and to ensure that everyone who uses tobacco has access to—and is provided with—quality, evidence-based cessation treatment. Resources are available to help you have conversations with your patients about smoking cessation.
Use the links below to learn how clinical care teams in your setting can help patients quit smoking.
Health care professionals: advise your patients to quit smoking
Helping your patients quit smoking can have positive health benefits, no matter their age or how long they have smoked.