What to know
CDC's Comics, camps, and apps can help you explore public health. Help solve outbreaks like a disease detective. See how what you are learning in school can help create a healthier world.

Learn more about the CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp
Fun fact: Attend CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp as a high school student. Then, apply to become a camp counselor the next year. After becoming a counselor, apply to become the camp intern the following year!
Impact: Since 2005, over 1,950 rising high school juniors and seniors have attended camp. Students come from across the world to be immersed in this one-week CDC experience. 900 more students participated in the CDC Museum Public Health Academy Online Summer Course.
CDC Museum Disease Detective Camp
CDC Disease Detective Camp gives high school juniors and seniors exposure to key aspects of CDC.
CDC Museum Camp featured on CNN

A group of teens learn how to become disease detectives at the CDC. Learn more about CDC's Camp. Source: CNN.