Key points
- CDC is collaborating with partners to improve health and control healthcare costs.
- CDC and partners are targeting six common and costly health conditions with 18 proven interventions

The 6|18 Initiative connects healthcare purchasers, payers, and providers with CDC researchers, economists, and policy analysts to find ways to improve health and control costs. Together, CDC and partners are targeting six common and costly health conditions with 18 proven interventions to help make health and cost decisions by:
- Giving partners rigorous evidence about high-burden health conditions and related interventions.
- Highlighting disease-prevention interventions to increase their coverage, use, and quality.
- Aligning proven preventive practices with value-based ways of paying for healthcare.
With this information, partners can make decisions that improve people’s health and help control costs.
- Provides peer-to-peer support, webinars, and quarterly calls with state Medicaid programs working with Public Health Departments to carry out 6|18 interventions.
- Works with State Medicaid Agency-Public Health Department teams to understand and share best practices for applying 6|18 interventions.
- Helps private insurance payers identify 6|18 interventions that will help their beneficiaries.
- Collaborates with healthcare providers who are increasing their ability to deliver the 6|18 interventions that improve preventive services and patient care.
- 6|18 Fact Sheet
- To learn more about strengthening partnerships between state health departments and Medicaid agencies visit Journal of Public Health Practice and Management.