At a glance
- U.S. students receive less than the required nutrition education needed to change behaviors.
- Nutrition education and activities in school can give children the information they need to choose healthy foods and beverages.
- Nutrition education is a vital part of an effective health education program.

Why it's an issue
Nutrition education in schools is important
U.S. students receive less than 8 hours of required nutrition education each school year. That's far below the 40–50 hours that are needed to change behavior. And the percentage of schools providing required instruction on nutrition and dietary behaviors decreased between 2000 and 2014: from 84.6% to 74.1%.
Diet plays an important role in preventing chronic diseases and supporting good health. Therefore, schools ideally should:
- Offer more hours of nutrition education instruction.
- Engage teachers and parents in nutrition education.
Research shows that nutrition education can teach students to see how a healthy diet affects emotional well-being. In turn, emotions can influence eating habits. Accordingly, school staff could add nutrition education into the existing schedule.
How it works
Nutrition education can be added throughout the school day, and in various school locations. Yet schools can be flexible in using strategies that work, given the school's daily schedule and resources.
In the classroom
Nutrition education can occur in the classroom, either through a specific health education class or added to other subjects including:
- Counting with pictures of fruits and vegetables.
- Learning fractions by measuring ingredients for a recipe.
- Examining how plants grow.
- Learning about cultural food traditions.
Nutrition education should align with the national health education standards and incorporate the characteristics of an effective health education curriculum.
Farm to school
Farm-to-school programs vary in each school or district, but they often include one or more of the following:
- Buying and serving locally or regionally produced foods in the school meal programs.
- Teaching students about agriculture, food, health, and nutrition.
- Offering hands-on learning through gardening, cooking lessons, or farm field trips.
Students in farm-to-school activities have more knowledge about nutrition and agriculture, are more willing to try new foods, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
School gardens
School garden programs vary in size and purpose, taking the form of windowsill gardens, raised beds, greenhouses, or planted fields. School garden programs increase students':
- Nutrition knowledge.
- Willingness to try fruit and vegetables.
- Positive attitudes about fruits and vegetables.
Students can prepare the soil for the garden, plant seeds, harvest the fruits and vegetables, and taste the food. Produce from school gardens can be used in school meals or taste tests.
In addition, teachers can teach lessons in math, science, history, and language arts using the school garden.
In the cafeteria
Cafeterias can feature nutrition promotion posters or student artwork promoting healthy eating. Cafeterias are also learning labs where students:
- Are exposed to new foods through the school meal program.
- See what balanced meals look like.
- Can be encouraged to try new foods from school nutrition staff or through taste tests.
Other opportunities
Schools can add messages about nutrition and healthy eating into the following:
- Morning announcements.
- School assemblies.
- Materials sent home to parents and guardians.
- Staff meetings.
- Parent-teacher group meetings.
These activities can reinforce messaging about good nutrition. They can also help ensure that students see and hear consistent information about healthy eating at school and at home.
Shared use agreements can extend healthy eating learning opportunities. As an example, an after-school activity could gain access to school gardens as learning labs.
CDC | Parents for Healthy Schools
Nutrition: Gardening Interventions | The Community Guide
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020–2025
National Farm-to-School Network
National Farm to School Network | Resource Database
Team Nutrition Resources for Schools
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. School health guidelines to promote healthy eating and physical activity. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2011;60(RR–5):1–76.
- Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards. National Health Education Standards: Achieving Excellence. 2nd ed. American Cancer Society; 2007.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT). US Department of Health and Human Services; 2021. Accessed September 4, 2024.
- Price C, Cohen D, Pribis P, Cerami J. Nutrition education and body mass index in grades K–12: a systematic review. J Sch Health. 2017;87(9):715–720.
- Meiklejohn S, Ryan L, Palermo C. A systematic review of the impact of multi-strategy nutrition education programs on health and nutrition of adolescents. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2016;48(9):631–646.
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- Joshi A, Misako Azuma A, Feenstra G. Do farm-to-school programs make a difference? Findings and future research needs. J Hunger Environ Nutr. 2008;3(2–3):229–246.
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- Bontrager Yoder AB, Liebhart JL, McCarty DJ, et al. Farm to elementary school programming increases access to fruits and vegetables and increases their consumption among those with low intake. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2014;46(5):341–349.
- The National Farm to School Network. The benefits of farm to school. Accessed September 4, 2024.
- Berezowitz CK, Bontrager Yoder AB, Schoeller DA. School gardens enhance academic performance and dietary outcomes in children. J Sch Health. 2015;85(8):508–518.
- Davis JN, Spaniol MR, Somerset S. Sustenance and sustainability: maximizing the impact of school gardens on health outcomes. Public Health Nutr. 2015;18(13):2358–2367.
- Langellotto GA, Gupta A. Gardening increases vegetable consumption in school-aged children: a meta-analytical synthesis. HortTechnology. 2012;22(4):430–445.
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- Action for Healthy Kids. Host a taste test. Accessed September 3, 2024.