At a glance
Our National Environmental Assessment Reporting System (NEARS) is for federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local government food safety programs. It helps them improve reporting of root causes of outbreaks of foodborne disease. View current participants.

Many programs are participating
If your jurisdiction is not listed, see the steps to register.

Local and regional agencies (black circles on the map)
- Abilene-Taylor County, TX
- Albuquerque, NM
- Allen, TX
- Baltimore County, MD
- Carson City, NV
- Central Virginia, VA
- Chicago, IL
- Clay County, MO
- Davis County, UT
- Dayton and Montgomery County, OH
- District of Columbia, DC
- Fairfax County, VA
- Fort Bend County, TX
- Franklin County, OH
- Frederick County, MD
- Harris County, TX
- Henry and Stark Counties, IL
- Jasper and Newton Counties, TX
- Jefferson County, CO
- Kansas City, MO
- Lake County, OH
- Madison County, IL
- Maricopa County, AZ
- Marion, OH
- New York City, NY
- Northeast Texas Public Health District, TX
- Oklahoma City, OK
- Peoria, IL
- Pima County, AZ
- Plano, TX
- Pueblo County, CO
- Salt Lake City, UT
- Southern Nevada, NV
- St. Louis, MO
- Tulsa County, OK
- Union County, OH
- Washoe County, NV
- Weber and Morgan Counties, UT
- Webster County, MO
- Weld County, CO
- Williamson County and Cities, TX
State agencies (green areas on map)
- Alaska
- California
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Georgia
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New York
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
Territorial agencies (stars on map)
- American Samoa
- Northern Mariana Islands
Tribal agencies
No tribes are currently registered. CDC encourages all states, localities, tribes, and territories to participate in NEARS.