At a glance
We are all exposed daily to small amounts of radiation from natural sources of radioactive material. The amount of radiation in building materials depends on the type and amounts of materials used.

The basics
Much of the natural radiation you are exposed to comes from radioactive materials in building materials and in soil in the environment.
Building materials containing radioactive material
Some building materials contain low levels of radioactive material. Building materials that are made up of sandstone, concrete, brick, natural stone, gypsum, or granite are most likely to emit low levels of radiation.
Radioactive materials in sandstone, concrete, brick, natural stone, gypsum, and granite contain naturally occurring radioactive elements like radium, uranium, and thorium. These naturally occurring elements can break down or decay into the radioactive gas radon. Depending on the amount of these materials present, they may also cause small increases in radiation levels. Amounts (doses) of radiation in building materials depend on the type and amounts of materials used.
Amount of radiation in building materials
Building materials that are made up of sandstone, concrete, brick, natural stone, gypsum, and granite are highly unlikely to contain radioactive material that will increase radiation dose above the low levels of background radiation we receive on a daily basis.
Radioactive material in building materials may add to indoor radon levels. However, radon is more likely to get into your home through cracks and holes in your foundation (underneath the home) or private well water (groundwater). Elevated indoor radon levels can pose a risk to human health. Testing your home or building is the only way to know if radon levels are high.
Risk of radiation found in building materials
For the most part, the levels of radioactive materials found in building materials are very low. These low levels of radioactive material, and the radiation emitted by them, are unlikely to harm human health.
In certain cases, radioactive radon gas may be released from building materials, and you may need to take steps to protect yourself. Get your home tested if you are concerned about radon levels.