What to know
PRAMS data are available to researchers. Researchers may access data for multiple jurisdictions by downloading the datasets from the PRAMS Automated Research File (ARF) web portal. The process is outlined below.

How to access the PRAMS ARF and other PRAMS datasets
- Complete and submit the PRAMS Automated Research File Data Portal Access Form.
- You will receive an email from sams-no-reply@cdc.gov inviting you to create a Secure Access Management System (SAMS) account on CDC's SAMS portal.
- Create your SAMS account following the instructions in the email.
- Your SAMS account will then automatically be routed for approval. It must be approved before you can access the PRAMS ARF portal. Once approved, you will receive an email from sams-no-reply@cdc.gov confirming activation of your account.
- Log into SAMS using your newly created account.
- Access the PRAMS ARF portal from your SAMS homepage.
- You must consent to the PRAMS data sharing agreement to access datasets from the portal.
- Follow the prompts to select the datasets you wish to use and download them.
- Please refer to section below on "Years of Data Available" for information on which sites and years are available on the ARF portal.
- Five current or former PRAMS sites (Connecticut, Florida, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas) are not participating in the PRAMS ARF portal. Researchers wanting to analyze data from these sites can contact each site separately to request access to their data. Please email the point of contact or visit the website for each of these sites for more information. (Participating PRAMS Sites)
Variables in the PRAMS Automated Research File (ARF)
The PRAMS ARF contains a standard set of variables. There are five categories of the variables provided:
1. Birth Certificate: Selected variables from the birth certificate file are included in the dataset; information on maternal and infant demographics are primarily from this source.
2. Operational: These variables come from the data collection process, i.e., mode the questionnaire was answered by mail or phone.
3. Weighting: These variables account for the PRAMS survey design and the statistical weighting of the data. These variables are needed to analyze PRAMS data using complex sample software.
4. Questionnaire: This is the information collected from the PRAMS survey.
5. Analytic Variables: These are precalculated variables that combine different variables in the dataset, often those that are restricted (e.g., body mass index [BMI] created by combining variables on maternal weight and height).
PRAMS Automated Research File Codebooks
Phase 6 PRAMS ARF Codebook | Download
Phase 7 PRAMS ARF Codebook | Download
Phase 8 PRAMS ARF Codebook | Download
Additional PRAMS Datasets Available for Download
Additional files with standard, site-developed and supplement questions that PRAMS sites added to their PRAMS survey are also available for download through the PRAMS ARF portal. These files will include a unique identifier variable “ID” that can be used to link to records in the ARF. You can find more information about standard, site-developed and supplement question variables available on the PRAMS Questionnaires page. The Topic Reference Document by Phase lists all questions by topic and indicates which sites used standard and site-developed questions on these topics.
Questionnaires Available
The PRAMS questionnaire is revised periodically. With each revision or new phase of the questionnaire, some of the questions change. Although most indicators can be compared across phases, it is often easiest to analyze data within a single phase. Below is a list of the years of available data covered by the different phases:
• Phase 8 (2016—2022)
• Phase 7 (2012—2015)
• Phase 6 (2009—2011)
• Phase 5 (2004—2008)
• Phase 4 (2000—2003)
• Phase 3 (1996—1999)
• Phase 2 (1990—1995)
• Phase 1 (1988—1989) Pilot Phase
The PRAMS questionnaire has three parts: a core that all sites use; a bank of standardized optional questions that sites may select from; and site-developed questions that are usually used only by the site that developed them. Between questionnaire phases, some PRAMS sites used short question supplements that they appended to the end of the regular PRAMS survey.
The following documents may be useful:
Questions Lists by Phase
(Phase 8 Core Questions, Phase 8 Standard Questions, etc.)
Topic Reference Document by Phase
(Lists all questions by topic and indicates which sites used standard and site-developed questions on these topics).
Years of Data Available
PRAMS currently has a policy that sets a minimum overall response rate threshold for the release of data for each year. This threshold has changed over the years as follows:
• 2006 and earlier: 70%
• 2007—2011: 65%
• 2012—2014: 60%
• 2015—2017: 55%
• 2018—2022: 50%
Although a majority of all sites meet the threshold, some do not. For this reason, the number of sites with data available may vary from year to year. The PRAMS datasets available for download include data from sites that met the response rate threshold for the specific year and that are participating in the PRAMS ARF.
For more information, see:
Data Availability by Site and Year (standard version).
Data Availability by Site and Year (508-compliant version, accessible to people with disabilities).
Site-Specific Response Rate Tables
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
Publication of PRAMS Analytic Results
Researchers should carefully review the terms of the data sharing agreement before submitting presentations or manuscripts using PRAMS data for publication. In particular, please note:
• All oral or written presentations of the results of the analyses will be submitted to PRAMSProposals@cdc.gov at least 3 weeks prior to a presentation or submission to a journal.
• Publications using PRAMS data should include the following acknowledgement:
We thank the PRAMS Working Group, which includes the PRAMS Team, Division of Reproductive Health, CDC and the following PRAMS sites for their role in conducting PRAMS surveillance and allowing the use of their data: [insert names of PRAMS included in your analyses (e.g., PRAMS Alabama, PRAMS Alaska, etc.].
• Notify PRAMS staff at PRAMSProposals@cdc.gov upon final publication of an article and provide citation information.
For more information about the data access process, please send an inquiry to PRAMSProposals@cdc.gov.