Key Points
- Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause infections called pneumococcal disease.
- The bacteria spread through direct contact with respiratory secretions.
- A person's risk can vary due to many factors.

Pneumococcal disease is a name for any infection caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus.

How the bacteria spread
People spread pneumococcal bacteria to others through direct contact with respiratory secretions, like saliva or mucus.
Many people, especially children, have the bacteria in their nose or throat at one time or another without being ill. Experts call this "carriage," and it only rarely leads to sickness.
Risk factors
Age, conditions, and other factors can increase someone’s risk for pneumococcal disease, including severe infections.
Children younger than 5 years old and adults 65 years or older are at increased risk for pneumococcal disease.
Race and ethnicity
Experts don't know why, but people of certain racial and ethnic groups have increased rates of pneumococcal disease:
- Alaska Native people
- African American people
- Certain American Indian people
Childcare attendance
Young children attending childcare are also at increased risk for severe pneumococcal disease and ear infections.
Medical conditions
Chronic conditions and other factors that increase someone's risk for pneumococcal disease include:
- Alcoholism
- Cerebrospinal (around the brain and spinal cord) fluid leak
- Chronic heart, kidney, liver, or lung disease
- Cigarette smoking
- Cochlear implant (surgically implanted hearing device to help people with severe hearing loss)
- Diabetes
- Immunocompromising condition (having a weakened immune system)
Chronic lung disease includes chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), emphysema, and asthma.
Immunocompromising conditions that increase someone's risk for pneumococcal disease include:
- Damaged spleen or having no spleen
- Disease or condition that weakens the immune system
- Disease or condition treated with medicine that weakens the immune system*
- HIV infection
- Kidney failure requiring maintenance dialysis or nephrotic syndrome (a kidney disorder)
- Sickle cell disease or other inherited blood disorders
*This includes cancer and solid organ transplant