Key points
This page includes important information about the data used and updates or exclusions to measures for the current PLACES release (August 2024).

New Release as of August 2024
The PLACES 2024 release includes 40 measures, based on updated Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data:
- 36 measures are based on 2022 BRFSS data.
- 4 measures are based on 2021 BRFSS data: (1) high blood pressure, (2) taking high blood pressure medication, (3) high cholesterol, and (4) cholesterol screening.
New Measures
Seven new measures were added for health-related social needs:
- Social isolation.
- Food stamps.
- Food insecurity.
- Housing insecurity.
- Utility services threat.
- Transportation barriers.
- Lack of social and emotional support.
The small area estimation model for these measures was based on data from 39 states and the District of Columbia (DC).
Population and geography changes
- The PLACES 2024 release is the first release that uses Census 2020 population data and geographic boundaries.
- For county-level estimation, Census 2022 county population intercensal estimates were used.
- The American Community Survey 2018–2022 data were used for all geographic levels.
- Four measures (high blood pressure, taking high blood pressure medication, high cholesterol, and cholesterol screening) based on 2021 BRFSS have been recalculated using Census 2020 population data and geographic boundaries to match other measures.
- For the first time, Connecticut planning regions were used as county equivalents and Census 2020 population was used.
Revised or adjusted measure names/definitions
All measure definitions were revised, and some measure names or definitions were adjusted to match other surveillance systems or survey questions:
- Adults were defined as people aged ≥18 years, all "aged ≥18 years" were removed from measure names.
- US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for colorectal cancer screening was updated to the population aged 45–75 from 50–75 years.
- Current asthma prevalence was changed to current asthma.
- Cancer (excluding skin cancer) was changed to cancer (non-skin) or melanoma.
- High cholesterol among adults aged ≥18 years who have been screened in the past 5 years was changed to high cholesterol among adults who have ever been screened.
- Taking medicine for high blood pressure control among adults aged ≥18 years with high blood pressure was changed to taking medicine to control high blood pressure among adults with high blood pressure.
- The definition for cholesterol screening within the past 5 years was updated.
- Visits to doctor for routine checkup within the past year was changed to routine checkup within the past year.
- Visits to dentist or dental clinic was changed to visited dentist or dental clinic in the past year.
- Current smoking was changed to current cigarette smoking.
- Sleeping less than 7 hours was changed to short sleep duration.
- Mental health not good for ≥14 days was changed to frequent mental distress.
- Physical health not good for ≥14 days was changed to frequent physical distress.
Measures not included in this release
Because of the change to the cervical cancer screening question in BRFSS 2022, we were not able to include the estimate for this release.
Discontinued measures
Two measures were discontinued because of program recommendations:
- Chronic kidney disease.
- Core preventive service use for older adults.
Notes from previous releases
December 2023 Addition
- Added 9 Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) measures to PLACES from the American Community Survey (ACS) at 4 geographic levels.
- Incorporated SDOH measures into the Interactive Map.
- Published separate datasets with the ACS measures to the Data Portal.
- Included new Measure Definitions.
2023 Release
Estimates for Florida were not available for measures based on BRFSS 2021. Florida was unable to collect data over enough months to meet the minimum requirements for inclusion in the 2021 annual aggregate data set. However, the seven measures based on BRFSS 2020 were carried over for Florida.
The BRFSS 2020 colorectal cancer screening questions changed to include five test types (FIT, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, FIT-DNA, and CT colonography); three types (FIT, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy) were included previously. Estimates of people getting colorectal cancer screening were higher than in previous years. For more information, visit Use of Colorectal Cancer Screening Tests.
Please consider differences in data collection [PDF – 168KB] and potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic when comparing 2020 BRFSS estimates with other years.
2022 release
Estimates for New Jersey were not available for measures based on BRFSS 2019. Therefore, estimates for the four measures based on 2019 BRFSS data (high blood pressure, taking high blood pressure medication, high cholesterol, and cholesterol screening) were not available in the 2022 release.
2021 release
Estimates for New Jersey were not available for measures based on BRFSS 2019. The state did not collect enough BRFSS data to meet the minimum requirements for inclusion in the 2019 annual aggregate data set. We carried over the seven measures available in BRFSS 2018.
2020 release
Estimates of cholesterol screening for 2017 have been revised for all geographic levels. Because of changes in the BRFSS questions related to cholesterol screening, revised estimates were generally higher than estimates previously released. Updated estimates can be downloaded from the data portal or the ArcGIS Online service.