Key points
- See real-world examples of approaches to increase physical activity through community design.
- These examples illustrate how U.S. communities have linked activity-friendly routes with everyday destinations.

To increase physical activity, the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends built environment approaches that combine:
- One or more interventions to improve transportation systems.
- One or more land use and community design interventions.
There are many ways to implement this recommendation. Examples range from very simple, small-scale, low-cost built environment changes to more complex, large-scale, resource-intensive changes spanning entire communities. Designing communities to include these interventions is sometimes referred to as activity-friendly routes to everyday destinations.
The file below provides:
- Real-world examples of built environment interventions.
- Ideas based on community setting, budget, and scale of work.
Additional examples
Tailored Transit Options Get People Moving
Florida is expanding public transportation to reduce traffic-related crashes and fatalities, increase physical activity, and improve overall health and wellness. A key to its success is creating multiple transportation options and resources that serve the needs of different populations.
Streets Become Safer Through Traffic Calming Demonstrations in St. Louis, Missouri
A partnership led to traffic-calming demonstration projects in four neighborhoods, affecting more than 12,000 people. Partners included nonprofit and community organizations, community members, and the city of St. Louis.
Park Updates Promote Physical Activity for Tribal Nation
The Chief Niwopet Park encourages physical activity with a walking trail, an obstacle course, and other new structures that feature Menominee art, language, and history.