At a glance
A deadly consequence of the opioid crisis is increased incidence of blood-borne infections, including hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C, HIV, and bacteria that cause heart infections (endocarditis). The use of contaminated injection drug equipment is a primary transmission route for both HIV and hepatitis C. Increasing injection drug use has placed new populations, including young people, at risk.

What CDC is doing
CDC’s infectious disease programs work to implement evidence-based drug prevention in school and community settings, and to stop the spread of infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis C among people who inject drugs. Access to comprehensive prevention services is essential for all persons who inject drugs. Syringe services programs reduce syringe sharing and can help provide access to prevention and treatment services for HIV and other blood-borne diseases, such as hepatitis C and hepatitis B. Below are a summary of CDC resources on infectious disease and injection drug use.
Vulnerabilities assessments
Identifying jurisdictions with increased risk of infectious disease among people who inject drugs
The United States is currently facing an urgent crisis involving misuse of opioids, such as heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioids, as well as other drugs, such as methamphetamines and cocaine. Opioid-related overdose deaths were six times as high in 2019 as they were in 1999, and infectious diseases, including viral hepatitis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), have dramatically increased as a result of this crisis.
Disease outbreaks among people who use drugs have devastating effects in communities for illness, suffering and costs associated with treatment and care.
- Since 2015, there have been multiple HIV outbreaks associated with injection drug use; 11% of all people with an HIV diagnosis in 2018 reported injection drug use. The average lifetime HIV-related medical cost for one person with HIV is $510,000.
- A nationwide outbreak of hepatitis A, primarily among people who use drugs and/or people experiencing homelessness, has spread across the United States since 2016, with 37,691 cases affecting more than 35 states as of February 5, 2021. More than 60% of cases have resulted in hospitalization, and 354 people have died. These outbreaks have resulted in illness and loss of life nationwide, as well as an estimated financial toll of at least $367 million in hospital costs alone.
- Rates of invasive MRSA associated with injection drug use more than doubled from 2010–2018 in the sites monitored by the Emerging Infections Program. Nationwide, hospitalization due to injection drug use-related infections (not including viral hepatitis and HIV) — such as endocarditis, MRSA, and other bacterial and fungal infections — cost over $700 million in 2012 alone.
Vulnerable counties and jurisdictions experiencing or at-risk of outbreaks
Vulnerable counties state assessments
General information
- Viral Hepatitis and People Who Inject Drugs
- Viral Hepatitis and Young Persons Who Inject Drugs
- HIV and Injection Drug Use
- HIV and Substance Use in the United States
- State Laws Related to Access to Clean Needles and Syringes
- Syringe Services Programs
- Persons Who Inject Drugs
- CDC Consultations on Determinations of Need Requests
- Managing HIV and Hepatitis C Outbreaks Among People Who Inject Drugs: A Guide for State and Local Health Departments
- How HRSA is Addressing the Opioid Crisis
- Integrated Prevention Among People Who Inject Drugs
- State HCV Incidence and Policies Related to HCV Preventive and Treatment Services for Persons Who Inject Drugs — United States, 2015–2016
- Vital Signs: HIV and Injection Drug Use
- Vulnerabilities Assessment: County-Level Vulnerability Assessment for Rapid Dissemination of HIV or HCV Infections Among Persons Who Inject Drugs, United States
- HIV Infection, Risk, Prevention, and Testing Behaviors among Persons Who Inject Drugs, National HIV Behavioral Surveillance Injection Drug Use, 20 U.S. Cities, 2015
Partner resources
- amfAR Opioid & Health Indicators Database
- The UFO Model, a Hepatitis C Intervention for Young Adult Injection Drug Users
- Harm Reduction Coalition Info on Hepatitis
- North American Syringe Exchange Network, Directory of Syringe Exchange Programs