Key points
- CDC's Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness (PE) Fellowship is a two-year post-doctoral research fellowship focusing on health economics, decision science, and disease modeling.
- This fellowship offers a Traditional Track and Analytics and Modeling Track.
- The fellowship builds CDC's ability to assess the effectiveness of public health interventions and evidence-based decision-making.

Opportunities & Updates
Fellowship Application: Traditional Track and Analytics and Modeling Track
The CDC Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness (PE) Fellowship is a two-year, post-doctoral, applied training fellowship. It addresses public health demand for quantitative policy analysis, health economics-based inquiry, integrative health services research, and rigorous decision modeling.
The Traditional Track is offered for economists and health services researchers. The Analytics and Modeling Track is intended for disease modelers, ecologists, operations researchers, industrial engineers, and applied mathematicians.
Since 1995, CDC has recruited and trained effective decision scientists through the fellowship. With each new class, the PE Fellowship builds a cadre of scientists whose research provides vital information to decision makers. CDC, congress, and nongovernmental agencies use information on resource allocation to maximize the impact of public health programs.
What is prevention effectiveness?
Analytics and Modeling Track
In 2021, the PE Fellowship began offering the Analytics and Modeling Track to engage scientists with backgrounds in applied mathematics, operations research, applied epidemiology, evolutionary biology, and other disciplines.
Fellows in this track develop knowledge of modeling and related subjects such as mathematical modeling, analytical epidemiology, microsimulation, dynamic compartmental models, and network models.
Learn more about the Analytics and Modeling Track at What Fellows Do.