

Volume 4: No.
4, October 2007
Erratum, Vol. 4: Issue 3
Because of an editing error, the footnotes in Table 4 of the article “Breast
and Colorectal Cancer Screening and Sources of Cancer Information Among Older
Women in the United States: Results from the 2003 Health Information National
Trends Survey” were incorrect. The table should have three footnotes (a, b,
and c). Footnote a should appear in the table title after “Prevalence
of Colorectal Screening” and defines colorectal screening: FOBT within the
past year or sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy within the past 5 years. Footnote b
appears in two column heads that read “n (total sample size).” The
footnote says, “Totals exclude records with missing data.” Footnote c
appears in the table six times. Two occurrences are in the first column,
headed “Age group 65-74 years” under the subhead “n (total sample size),”
on rows labeled “Hispanic” and “Never married.” Footnote c also
appears in the column headed “Age group >75” under the subhead “n
(total sample size)” on the rows labeled “Black,” “Hispanic,”
“Divorced/separated,” and “Never married.”
Corrections were made on our Web site on July 18, 2007, and appear online at http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2007/jul/06_0104.htm. We regret any confusion this error may have caused.