

Special Issue, November 2005
Costs and Savings
Associated With Community Water Fluoridation Programs in Colorado
Joan M. O’Connell, PhD, Diane Brunson, RDH, MPH, Theresa Anselmo, RDH, Patrick W. Sullivan,
Suggested citation for this article: O’Connell JM, Brunson D,
Anselmo T, Sullivan PW. Costs and savings associated with community water fluoridation programs
in Colorado. Prev Chronic Dis [serial online] 2005 Nov [date cited]. Available
from: URL: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/
Local, state, and national health policy makers require
information on the economic burden of oral disease and the cost-effectiveness
of oral health programs to set policies and allocate resources. In this study,
we estimate the cost savings associated with community water fluoridation
programs (CWFPs) in Colorado and potential cost savings if Colorado
communities without fluoridation programs or naturally high fluoride levels
were to implement CWFPs.
We developed an economic model to compare the costs associated with CWFPs with treatment savings
achieved through averted tooth decay. Treatment savings included those
associated with direct medical costs and indirect nonmedical costs (i.e.,
patient time spent on dental visit). We
estimated program costs and treatment savings for each water system in
Colorado in 2003
dollars. We obtained parameter estimates from published studies, national
surveys, and other sources. We calculated net costs for Colorado water systems
with existing CWFPs and potential net costs for systems without CWFPs. The
analysis includes data for 172 public water systems in Colorado that serve
populations of 1000 individuals or more. We used second-order Monte Carlo
simulations to evaluate the inherent uncertainty of the model assumptions on
the results and report the 95% credible range from the simulation model.
We estimated that Colorado CWFPs were associated with annual
savings of $148.9 million (credible range, $115.1 million to $187.2 million) in 2003, or an
average of $60.78 per person (credible range, $46.97 to $76.41). We estimated that Colorado
would save an additional $46.6 million (credible range, $36.0 to $58.6 million) annually if CWFPs were implemented in the 52 water systems without such programs and for
which fluoridation is recommended.
Colorado realizes significant annual savings from CWFPs; additional
savings and reductions in morbidity could be achieved if fluoridation programs
were implemented in other areas.
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In 2000, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the
first national oral health report, Oral Health in America: A Report of the
Surgeon General (1), which described a “‘silent epidemic’ of dental and oral
diseases.” Compared with other health conditions such as diabetes and
depression (2,3), less is known about spending for oral disease in the United
States because many spending estimates include only services provided in
dental offices (4-7; A. Martin, written communication, March 2005).
According to 2003 estimates (4,5, A. Martin, written communication, March 2005), spending for services provided
in dental offices averaged $306 per capita in Colorado, with total annual spending for
these services in Colorado estimated to be $1.3 billion. These estimates
do not include dental services provided in other settings, such as hospitals,
nor do they include services for other oral health conditions, such as oral
cancer. Furthermore, the amount spent on oral disease may surpass the amount
spent on medical services (both dental and other services) to treat such
disease because of costs related to adverse health
effects, productivity losses, and reduced quality of life.
It is important for health policy makers, health education specialists,
health care providers, and the news media to have state-specific quantitative
information on the impact of oral disease prevention strategies to maintain
support for existing programs and promote implementation of new programs.
Because of limited information on the economic burden associated with oral
disease, the state of Colorado initiated a process to quantify the burden by
building on data compiled for the state’s Oral Health Surveillance System.
The goal of the Oral Health Economic Burden Model is to quantify short-term
and long-term medical and nonmedical costs associated with poor oral health to
assist Colorado state and local policy makers in designing policies and
optimizing allocation of health resources to improve oral health. The purpose
of this article is to describe one component of the Oral Health Economic
Burden Model; the component was used to estimate costs and savings associated
with community water fluoridation programs (CWFPs).
Community water fluoridation is defined as the adjustment of fluoride
levels in public drinking water systems for the prevention of dental decay; it
has been shown to be one of the most cost-effective public health strategies
in the United States (8) and is recognized as one of the 10 great public
health achievements of the 20th century (9). For most communities
with CWFPs, the adjustment of fluoride levels requires the addition of
fluoride compounds to increase the fluoride level to the recommended level;
for a small percentage of communities, the adjustment requires the addition of
water with lower concentrations of fluoride compounds to decrease the fluoride
level to the recommended level.
The nonfederal, independent Task Force on Community Preventive
Services (Task Force) completed a systematic review of the evidence of effectiveness for CWFPs
(8). Findings indicated a 29.1% median decrease
in dental caries among children aged 4 to 17 years in communities with CWFPs.
This finding led the Task Force to strongly recommend that CWFPs be
included as part of a comprehensive population-based strategy to prevent or
control dental caries in communities. The systematic review by the Task Force
on the cost-effectiveness of CWFPs found that among the five studies with
sufficient data, CWFPs resulted in
cost savings, with the savings in dental treatment costs exceeding
fluoridation program costs for systems servicing populations of 20,000 or more
In 2001, Griffin et al conducted the most comprehensive data-driven
economic evaluation of community water fluoridation since the 1980s and
reported on the net costs (program costs minus treatment savings) of CWFPs by
community size (10). We adapted this model for use at the state level to
estimate the net costs associated with existing CWFPs in Colorado and the
potential net costs if communities without CWFPs, and for which such a program
is recommended, were to implement fluoridation programs.
In 2005, Colorado met the Healthy People 2010 objective (21-9) of 75% or
more of people using optimally fluoridated water through community water systems
(11,12). The actual percentage in Colorado, however, was just above 75%.
Because communities with CWFPs face challenges in retaining water fluoridation
programs, and communities without programs require information to make
implementation decisions, it is important that data on CWFP costs and
treatment savings be available at the state level.
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Annual CWFP net costs in Colorado were estimated by comparing annual fluoridation
program costs with treatment savings associated with averted tooth decay,
(1) Net Costswater system
= Program Costswater system
− Treatment Savingswater system.
We assumed that the fluoride level of the water system was adjusted to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) recommended fluoride
concentration level, based on the average temperature and altitude of the
community. These levels range from 0.7 ppm to 1.2 ppm (13). If the difference between the CDC-recommended level and the natural
fluoride level is 0.3 ppm or greater for a water system, the CDC recommends
the implementation of a CWFP (K. Duchon, PhD, written communication, January
2005). For example, if the CDC-recommended fluoride level for a water
system was 1.0 ppm and the naturally occurring level was 0.4 ppm (a difference
of 0.6 ppm), the water system was included in our list of systems for which
fluoride was recommended.
Our analysis included data from the Water Fluoride Reporting System for 172
public water systems in Colorado that served populations of 1000 or more in
2004 (11). The water systems include 61 water systems with CWFPs and 111
systems without CWFPs. Among the 111 systems without programs, CWFPs were
recommended for 52, based on CDC recommendations. Among these systems, 32
systems had naturally occurring fluoride levels of less than 0.3 ppm, 9 had
levels between 0.3 ppm and 0.5 ppm, and 11 had levels of more than 0.5 ppm.
The remaining 59 systems had naturally occurring fluoride levels lower than
the CDC-recommended level (yet within the 0.3 cutoff) or had levels equal to
or greater than the recommended level. CWFPs were not recommended for these 59
water systems; we refer to these systems as having naturally high fluoride
levels. Information on the size of populations served, according to the
fluoride status of the water system, is provided in Table
Our analysis adhered to the recommendations of the Panel on
Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine (14,15). We reference the work of
Griffin et al (10) in describing the methods we used to estimate CWFP net
costs, noting modifications. When possible, we used state and local data
sources such as the Water Fluoridation Reporting System (11) for information
on fluoride levels of local water systems and Colorado Vital Statistics for
population and mortality data (4). Other data sources included regional and
national data, published studies, and expert opinion.
CWFP costs and treatment savings were estimated from a societal
perspective, with costs and savings provided in 2003 dollars using a discount
rate of 3%. The benefit from water fluoridation is primarily topical;
fluoridation prevents decay in teeth after they have erupted (16). As such, we
estimated program treatment savings for individuals aged 5 years and older and
included costs for permanent teeth only.
Costs associated with CWFPs
CWFP cost estimates were based on data reported in a published study that
included both one-time fixed costs and annual operating costs for communities
in Florida that ranged in population from fewer than 5000 to more than
400,000 (17). These costs are the most complete costs reported in the
literature. Even though these data are for the late 1980s, fluoridation
technology has not changed in a way that would limit the usefulness of these
data in our analysis.
We used data for 42 systems that fluoridated water with hydrofluosilicic
acid, which is the most commonly used fluoridation compound. One-time fixed
costs included general equipment, testing and safety equipment, installation, and
engineering consultant fees. These costs were depreciated over a 15-year
period with no salvage value, using a 3% discount rate. The annual operating
costs included fluoride compounds, labor, maintenance, and accessory supplies.
These annual costs were adjusted for inflation to 2003. The Water,
Sewage, and Maintenance cost component of the Consumer Price Index (18) was
used to adjust chemical and labor costs. The Engineering News-Record
Building Cost Index (19) was used to adjust capital costs. Operating and annual
capital costs in 2003 dollars were summed to obtain total program costs and to
calculate an annual mean CWFP per-person cost by water system size (Table
We estimated annual CWFP costs for each water system as follows:
(2) Program Costswater system = Populationwater
× Program Cost Per Personsize of water system.
Treatment savings associated with CWFPs
Annual treatment savings depend on both the averted decay attributable to
CWFPs and the costs of treatment over the lifetime of the tooth that would have
occurred without CWFPs:
(3) Treatment Savingsper person = Averted
Decayper person
× Lifetime-Treatment Costper person.
1. Estimating annual averted decay attributable to CWFPs
Averted decay is the product of the percentage reduction in tooth decay
associated with CWFP (program effectiveness) and the annual per person decay
increment in nonfluoridated areas:
(4) Averted Decayper person = CWFP
× Decay Increment in Nonfluoridated Areasper person.
Estimated age-specific annual decay increments (the number of new decayed
tooth surfaces per year) for nonfluoridated
communities were obtained from two sources. The decay increment in
nonfluoridated areas for individuals aged younger than 45 years was
derived by Griffin et al (10) from two national studies (20,21) that were
conducted between 1985 and 1987 and that included information on community
water fluoridation status. One study was of U.S. schoolchildren; the other
study was of employed adults and seniors. The researchers estimated the annual decay
increment (including root surfaces) to be 0.77 surfaces for individuals aged 6 to 17
years and 1.09 surfaces for individuals 18 to 44 years. Given the decline in decay
increment since 1980 (22), we adjusted the annual decay increment for a
secular trend (20.9%) based on an analysis of data from the mid-1980s and a
more recent survey (23). However, the decay increment for individuals aged 45
to 64 years in nonfluoridated areas was somewhat low, and no estimate was
provided for individuals aged 65 and older. Consequently, we used findings
from a recent meta-analysis of 11 studies conducted between 1983 and 1999 for
individuals with and without exposure to fluoride to estimate the annual decay
increment for individuals 45 years and older in nonfluoridated areas (24). In
2004, Griffin et al estimated the total (coronal and root) decay increment for
individuals 45 years and older to be 1.31; we used this estimate for
individuals aged 65 and older. Because of lower rates of root decay among
individuals aged 45 to 64 years compared with individuals aged 65 years and
older (24,25), we used an estimated total decay increment of 1.08 for
individuals aged 45 to 64 years (S. Griffin, PhD, oral communication, June
2005). We did not adjust the more recent estimates for a secular
trend; if the decay increment declined recently because of improvements in
oral health, use of these estimates may positively bias results. On the other
hand, use of a decay increment based on data for individuals with and without
exposure to fluoride as estimates for nonfluoridated increments and exclusion
of avoided caries in the primary dentition (i.e., baby teeth) from the model may
negatively bias results. It was difficult to assess the directional impact of
using these four age-specific estimates on CWFP treatment savings.
We assumed that the population distribution of each water system was similar to
the state’s total population and used the age-specific rates and the 2003
age distribution in Colorado (4) for individuals aged 5 years and older to
derive an annual age-adjusted decay increment for Colorado nonfluoridated
communities (0.78 surfaces per year per person) (Table
3). In addition, the
age-specific rates were used to estimate the lifetime-treatment cost of
applying and maintaining a restoration.
Based on the findings of studies published in the 1990s (26-28) and on
national survey data (20), Griffin et al in 2001 estimated that CWFPs reduced
the decay increment by approximately 25%. This estimate of CWFP effectiveness
is lower than earlier estimates
because fluoride is now available from multiple sources (e.g., toothpaste,
mouth rinses, professional applications, foods and beverages produced in areas
with CWFPs) in addition to local drinking water (22). We multiplied the
estimated annual decay increment for nonfluoridated communities (0.78
surfaces) by the percentage of reduction (25%) estimated by Griffin et al to obtain the averted annual
per-person decay increment attributable to CWFPs. This value, equal to 0.20
surfaces, was multiplied by the size of the population exposed to CWFPs to
yield the total number of decayed surfaces averted due to 1 year of exposure
to water fluoridation.
2. Lifetime cost of treatment: applying and maintaining a restoration
A restoration requires maintenance over the time the tooth remains in the
mouth. We derived the discounted lifetime cost of applying and maintaining a
restoration using the approach employed by Griffin et al (10) with noted
modifications. For each age group, we estimated the discounted
lifetime-treatment cost from 1) the number of initial restorations averted
because of fluoridation, 2) the number of averted replacement restorations
expected over the course of a lifetime, 3) the types of restorations used for
initial and replacement procedures, and 4) the costs of the associated dental
visits. We combined the age-specific results with data on age distribution in
Colorado to estimate an age-adjusted lifetime-treatment cost of applying and
maintaining a restoration.
For each age group, the first step in estimating the lifetime-treatment
cost was to derive the expected number of initial restorations, which we
assumed to be the number of decayed surfaces averted because of 1 year of
exposure to water fluoridation. We estimated the number of replacement
restorations by using the midpoint of each age group listed in Table 3 and
the expected life of the restorations. Based on published studies (29-33),
Griffin et al assumed that the expected life of a single amalgam restoration
was 12 years (10). We used this value, and we assumed that multisurface
amalgam and composite restorations have a similar expected life; the expected
life of a crown was assumed to be 24 years. Consequently, an adolescent who
has an initial restoration at age 12 may have three to four replacement
restorations; a person who has an initial restoration at age 60 may have only
one. For each age group, we estimated the total number of replacement
restorations, given the mortality rate (4), the probability of having the
tooth (25), and the probability of a tooth extraction resulting from tooth
decay rather than other reasons (34).
Next, we derived the cost of initial and replacement restorations using
information on the types of materials used and the number of surfaces
restored. The frequency of restoration procedures was obtained from
age-specific restoration information calculated from private-sector
administrative-claims data for 2002 from the largest dental insurer in
Colorado (J.M.O., unpublished data, 2004). We recognized that privately insured individuals
may obtain a different mix of services than that obtained by
individuals without such coverage (7). For this analysis, we assumed services
provided to individuals with private coverage represent practice
standards and consumer expectations. We used these data as the best
indicators of the value of maintaining a tooth; the data account for the
long-term value of a tooth, including nutritional, other health, and
quality-of-life considerations that are not quantified but well-recognized
We used data for five groups of restorations: single-surface amalgam,
two-or-more-surfaces amalgam, single-surface composite,
two-or-more-surfaces composite, and crowns. Over a
lifetime, a restoration is often replaced with many restorations, resulting in
an increased number of restored surfaces (35,36). For this reason, we used
age as a proxy for the types of restorations used for initial and replacement
restorations. The distribution of initial restorations was assumed to be
similar to restorations for individuals aged 6 to 17 years, excluding
crowns. Crowns were excluded because most crowns for this age group may be
associated with accidents rather than caries. Accordingly, 38% of initial
restorations were assumed to be single-surface amalgam, 23% were
two-or-more-surfaces amalgam, 24% were single-surface composite, and 15% were
two-or-more-surfaces composite
Likewise, restorations for individuals aged 18 to 29 years were assumed to
be similar to the distribution for first-replacement restorations;
restorations for individuals aged 30 to 41 were assumed to be similar to the
distribution for
second-replacement restorations; restorations for individuals aged 42 to 53
were assumed to be similar to the distribution for third-replacement restorations; and restorations
for individuals aged 54 to 64 were assumed to be similar to the distribution
for fourth-replacement
restorations. To control for the use of crowns for purposes other than decay,
we assumed that the rate of such usage in older age groups would be similar to
the rate for individuals aged 6 to 17 years; we adjusted the use of crowns for
the older age groups accordingly. As such, second-replacement restorations
were assumed to include 20% single-surface amalgam, 27% two-or-more-surfaces amalgam,
18% single-surface composite, 21% two-or-more-surfaces composite, and 13% crowns. This
approach may be conservative because restorations for individuals at older
ages include initial restorations as well as replacement restorations. Information on root canal treatments, bridges, and other restorative
procedures were not included in our restoration calculations.
We assumed dental fees approximated the cost of resources used to provide
dental services, and we used the reported fees for amalgam restorations,
composite restorations, five of the most frequently used crowns, and
extractions from the 2003 Survey of Dental Fees (37) for the Mountain
Region, which includes Colorado, for procedure cost estimates. We estimated
the average cost of initial and first-through-fourth replacement restorations
using the reported fees and distribution of restoration procedures by age
group (Table 4).
The cost of each dental visit included direct medical costs for the
restoration and the nonmedical costs associated with patient time spent for
the dental visit, where
(5) Dental Visit Costper visit = Direct Medical Cost for
Restorationper visit + Patient Time Costper visit.
The time spent receiving dental care and traveling to the dental office was
estimated to be 1.6 hours per visit, based on published data on travel time,
office-visit wait time, and actual treatment time in dental offices (38). The
cost of a patient’s time was quantified using a national estimate for the
value of 1 hour of activity for men and women in 2000 (11), updated to 2003
dollars ($20.11) (39). This estimate was used to value time for all
individuals, including individuals employed both inside and outside of the
For each age group, we used estimates of the number of dental visits and
related costs to calculate a discounted lifetime-treatment cost of applying
and maintaining a restoration. For example, for an age group with
three potential replacement restorations, the per-person discounted lifetime cost of
applying and maintaining a restoration was calculated by using the following
(6) Lifetime-Treatment Costper person = (CRinitial/D)
+ ([{Ptooth × CRreplace1} + {Pextract × CE}]/D)
+ ([{Ptooth × CRreplace2} + {Pextract × CE}]/D)
+ ([{Ptooth × CRreplace3} + {Pextract × CE}]/D)
where CR is the cost of restoration (including an initial dental
visit [CRinitial] and three replacement dental visits [CRreplace1,
CRreplace2, and CRreplace3]); D is
the discount rate for the time period; Ptooth is the
probability that the tooth exists; Pextract is the
probability that the tooth will be extracted because of decay; and CE
is the cost of a visit for an extraction. Using the per-person
lifetime-treatment cost for each age group and the 2003 age distribution, we
estimated the age-adjusted per-person discounted lifetime-treatment cost to be
$290.27. We multiplied this value by the estimated per-person annual averted
decay increment attributable to fluoridation (0.20 surfaces) and arrived at a
per-person annual treatment savings of $58.05.
Similar to Griffin et al (10), we assumed that the adverse effects of
exposure to water fluoridation were negligible (40) and did not adjust CWFP
savings for such effects. CWFP annual treatment savings for a water system
were estimated by multiplying the water system population by the per-person
annual treatment savings:
(7) Treatment Savingswater system = Populationwater
× Treatment Savingsper person.
We first estimated total CWFP net costs for the existing 61 CWFPs in
Colorado. Second, we used the same methodology to estimate total net program
costs potentially associated with implementing CWFPs in 52 water systems
recommended for fluoridation. The total CWFP net program costs represent the
sum of net costs for each water system included in each estimate.
We conducted sensitivity analyses to evaluate the inherent
uncertainty of assumptions for the input variables on the model results.
First, we employed univariate sensitivity analyses. Then we used second-order
Monte Carlo probabilistic sensitivity analyses that allowed CWFP costs and
effectiveness, decay increment, dental fees, and patient-time costs to vary
simultaneously. The 10,000 Monte Carlo simulations were conducted using
TreeAge Pro 2005 (TreeAge Software, Inc, Williamstown, Mass). The TreeAge Pro
model was linked to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to estimate water-system–specific
program costs and treatment savings. The Monte Carlo simulation is referred to
as probabilistic sensitivity analysis because each input-parameter estimate
that was not a fixed value was assigned a probability distribution that
reflected beliefs about the feasible range of mean values. For each
simulation, a value from each probability distribution was drawn for each
parameter simultaneously. The CWFP costs and treatment savings were then
calculated for each water system using these values as the input parameters.
The simulation repeated this process 10,000 times to produce a range of
possible values. We report the absolute value of CWFP net costs baseline
estimates with a 95% credible range (the 2.5th to 97.5th percentiles of the
10,000 simulations) from the simulation
Probability distributions were based on what was known about the
parameter estimates: the age-specific decay rate for nonfluoridated areas, the
number of hours associated with a dental visit, and the dollar value of 1 hour
of time were assumed to have normal distributions. The fluoride program
effectiveness rate and the secular trend for the decay rate in nonfluoridated
areas were represented as a β distribution because they were expected to be
normally distributed but restricted to values between 0 and 1. The CWFP
program costs and restoration costs were characterized as γ distributions
to ensure positive values.
In addition, we estimated net costs associated with CWFP implementation in
the 52 water systems currently without fluoridation programs, using two
alternative model specifications. In one model, we excluded from the analysis
two water systems with populations greater than 90,000 and average natural
fluoride levels of 0.6 ppm to 0.7 ppm. The difference between the
CDC-recommended fluoride level and the natural fluoride level for the two
systems was only slightly higher than 0.3 ppm. In the second model, we
adjusted CWFP effectiveness by the natural fluoride level in the local
communities using a linear model (22,41). We used the estimated effectiveness
of a 25% decrease in decay for water systems with natural fluoride levels of
0.3 ppm or less. For systems with fluoride levels of 0.31 to 0.39 ppm, we used
an effectiveness rate of 23%; for levels of 0.40 to 0.49 ppm, a rate of 19%;
for levels of 0.50 to 0.59 ppm, a rate of 15%; and for levels of 0.60 to 0.69 ppm, a rate of 10%.
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Existing CWFPs in Colorado were associated with negative net
annual costs (hereon referred to as net savings) of $148.9 million (credible
range [CR], $115.1–$187.2 million) in 2003 or an average of $60.78 per person (CR, $46.97–$76.41).
When presented as a ratio of savings (benefits) to costs, the estimates ranged
from $21.82 for small water systems to $135.00 for large systems.
We varied the parameter estimates for the decay increments, program
effectiveness, and program cost by ±15% from the baseline value to assess
which parameter estimates had the greatest impact on program net savings
(Figure). The results of the sensitivity analyses indicated that CWFP net
savings were most sensitive to changes in the baseline estimates for CWFP
effectiveness, as measured by the percentage of reduction in the decay
increment and the decay increment in nonfluoridated areas for individuals aged
18 to 44 years.

Univariate sensitivity analysis of the variation in model parameter
estimates on net savings in dental care costs resulting from community
water fluoridation programs (CWFPs) in 61 water systems in Colorado. Model
inputs were varied by ±15% from the baseline value to assess parameter
estimates with the greatest impact on the variation in CWFP net savings. [A
tabular version of this graph is also available.]
Using the baseline assumptions, we estimated that Colorado would save an
additional $46.6 million (CR, $36.0–$58.6 million) annually if CWFPs were
implemented in the 52 nonfluoridated water systems for which fluoridation is
recommended. Approximately 80% of these savings would be realized for the six
large water systems that serve populations greater than 20,000. However, two
of the six water systems serve more than 90,000 individuals, and the
difference between the CDC-recommended fluoride level and natural level was
slightly more than 0.3 ppm. When these two systems were excluded from the
analysis, potential savings in the other 50 water systems were estimated to
total $34.4 million. We conducted one variation of the model by adjusting the
CWFP effect on reducing decay for the presence of natural fluoride levels.
Using lower rates of fluoride effectiveness for areas with fluoride levels
greater than 0.3 ppm, net savings were estimated to be $39.0 million annually.
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Although Colorado realizes significant annual savings from existing CWFPs,
additional savings and reductions in morbidity could be achieved if
fluoridation programs were implemented in other areas. Approximately 80% of
the additional savings would be realized if six large water systems that serve
populations greater than 20,000 implemented fluoridation programs.
There are limitations to our model and its assumptions that
affect these estimates. First, CWFPs use different types of fluoride
compounds. We based our model on the estimated cost of using hydrofluosilicic
acid; we selected this compound because it is the most widely used
fluoridation compound (11)
and thought to be the most economical (17). Second, the fluoridation program cost
estimates represent average costs by program size and include repairs and
maintenance. These cost estimates, however, may not represent the actual costs
for a particular water system during any one period. Third, the model includes
assumptions on decay increment, fluoride effectiveness, and use of
restorations and extractions based on cross-sectional data. We were not able
to identify data sources with longitudinal information. We used more than one
data source to estimate the decay increment for the four age groups; we
previously noted limitations of their use. The decay-increment estimates for individuals aged
45 to 64 years and 65 years and older were based on data for individuals with
and without access to fluoride. Use of these estimates and exclusion of
avoided caries in the primary dentition from the CWFP treatment savings
negatively biased the results.
A fourth limitation concerns the effectiveness of CWFPs at reducing the
decay increment. The effectiveness of existing CWFPs may be underestimated
because individuals living in nonfluoridated areas benefit from the diffusion
of fluoride into their communities through foods and beverages produced in
fluoridated areas; the effectiveness of new CWFPs may be overestimated because
of diffusion. Furthermore, fluoride is now available from multiple sources
such as toothpaste, mouth rinses, and professional applications; savings
associated with CWFPs are reduced as use of these other fluoride sources
increases. CWFP savings would also be reduced if recommended fluoride levels
were lower. For example, the World Health Organization recommends a range of
0.5 ppm to 1.0 ppm; this range recognizes that variation in diet, temperature,
culture, and exposure to other sources of fluoride must be taken into account
Fifth, the model accounts for time spent obtaining dental
care, but the model does not account for the loss in productivity due to
morbidity. The inclusion of productivity losses would have increased CWFP
treatment savings. Sixth, the model estimates the value of treating a tooth
with decay using 1) patterns of use of dental services among individuals with
private-sector dental coverage and 2) dental fees that assume competitive
markets. Patterns of use of dental services among individuals without private
coverage differ from individuals with such coverage; we assumed that
private-sector patterns of use reflect the long-term value of maintaining a
tooth for quality-of-life, nutritional, or other health considerations. We did
not adjust for differences by insurance coverage or income level. Finally, the
model included age-specific rates for estimates of dental-procedure use and
for the probability of a tooth extraction. We did not include variability for
other estimates because of the complexity of using age-specific rates for
these two estimates.
When possible, we used conservative assumptions in the model
to negatively bias the net-cost estimates of CWFPs. However, as noted
it is difficult to assess the directional impact of other assumptions, and some
may positively bias results. Health economic models are not designed to
perfectly reflect all of the complexities of the real world (43). Given the
limitations discussed, we believe this model, which accounts for some degree
of uncertainty, provides useful information about the costs and savings
associated with CWFPs. As new data and information become available, this
model may be updated.
Traditional messages on fluoridation have been, “it prevents
caries,” “it saves money,” and “it’s cost-effective.” The model
used in this analysis provides Colorado-specific estimates of CWFP savings and
may be replicated for other states. Such information may be used by public
health practitioners and policy makers at all levels to promote continued
support for existing CWFPs and implementation of new programs.
This study documents net costs of CWFPs for water systems serving
populations of more than 1000. In addition to information on the costs and
savings associated with CWFPs, it is important for communities to have
information on decay increment and on all fluoride sources to be able to
thoroughly evaluate the costs and benefits of CWFPs. It is also important to
assess costs and savings of CWFPs and other fluoride delivery solutions, such
as fluoride varnish, mouth rinse, and tablets, for populations in smaller
communities. Finally, statewide cost estimates for other oral health
conditions and savings associated with other oral health programs are needed
to further inform state policy and spending decisions to reduce rates of oral
disease in Colorado.
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We recognize the assistance provided by Susan Griffin, PhD, Health
Economist, CDC; Kip Duchon, PE,
National Fluoridation Engineer, CDC;
and Dan Felzien, OHST, Fluoridation Specialist, Colorado Department of Public
Health and the Environment. We thank Terrence S. Batliner, DDS, MBA, Vice
President, Professional Affairs, Delta Dental Plan of Colorado for use of
Colorado dental utilization data. This work was supported by CDC funding provided through State Cooperative
Agreement U58/CCU819984-01-02.
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Author Information
Corresponding Author: Diane Brunson, RDH, MPH, Colorado
Department of Public Health and the Environment, 4300 Cherry Creek Dr South,
Denver, CO, 80246-1530. Telephone: 303-692-2428. Email: diane.brunson@state.co.us.
Author Affiliations: Joan M. O’Connell, PhD, University of Colorado at Denver and
Health Science Center School of Medicine, Denver, Colo; Theresa Anselmo, RDH,
Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, Denver, Colo; Patrick W. Sullivan,
PhD, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Science Center School of
Pharmacy, Denver, Colo.
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