

Volume 2: No. 2, April 2005
Regional/Racial Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome: The MSM
Regional Assessment Health Surveillance Study,
Cassandra Arroyo, Dennis Jones, Yong Liu, Rebecca Din-Dzietham, Sharon Davis
Suggested citation for this article: Arroyo C, Jones D,
Liu Y, Din-Dzietham R, Davis S. Regional/racial prevalence of
metabolic syndrome: the MSM Regional Assessment Health Surveillance Study, 2003–2004 [abstract]. Prev Chronic Dis [serial
online] 2005 Apr
[date cited]. Available from: URL:
http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/ apr/04_0142l.htm.
Track: Evidence-based Programs: Research, Translation,
and Evaluation
The objective of this study was to examine regional and racial
variations in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in
Fulton, Bulloch, Candler, Evans, and Jenkins counties of
Random-digit–dialing data followed by examination data
were obtained from 319 African American and white men and women
aged 19 years and older from 2002 through 2003. MetS was defined
by Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Correlates included race
(African American vs non-Hispanic white), sex, education level,
age, and region (urban vs rural). Univariate and multiple
regression models were used to assess the interaction between
region and race, and the association with correlates setting
nominal P value at .05 for main effect and .10 for
interaction. SUDAAN (Research Triangle Institute, Triangle Park, NC) was used to account for the complex design
and to obtain correct variance and county-representative
The MetS overall prevalence was 21.2%. Unadjusted prevalence
of MetS was significantly higher (P < .001) in urban
areas (21.4%) vs rural areas (19.6%) among African Americans
(31.1%) vs non-Hispanic whites (9.6%) and among women (22.2%) vs
men (19.9%). There was a significant interaction between region
and race (P < .001), so separate models were estimated
for African Americans and non-Hispanic whites. For African
Americans, MetS was 2.47 (95% Confidence Interval [CI], 2.23–2.73) times more prevalent
among those living in urban vs rural areas and 0.48 (CI,
0.46–0.50) times less prevalent among men vs women. Prevalence of
MetS was also 1.48 (CI, 1.40–1.56) times higher among those with less
than 12 years of education and 0.68 (CI, 0.65–0.72) times lower among
those with 12 years of education vs those with more than 12
years. Among non-Hispanic whites, MetS was 0.34 (CI, 0.32–0.37) times
less prevalent among those living in the urban area, 6.13
(CI, 5.60-6.71) times more prevalent among men, 7.9 (CI, 7.12–8.68) times
more prevalent among those with 12 years of education, and 4.6
(CI, 3.82–5.66) times more prevalent among those with less than 12
years of education.
The study suggests that African Americans living in the urban
area of Georgia have a higher prevalence of MetS than their white
counterparts. National prevalence rate estimates for MetS suggest
that whites in general have a higher prevalence of MetS. A more
comprehensive database is needed to further explore this
interaction between race and region to target more specific
groups for intervention.
Corresponding Author: Cassandra Arroyo, MS, PhD,
Research Instructor, Morehouse School of Medicine, Social
Epidemiology Research Center, 720 Westview Dr SW, NCPC 315,
Atlanta, GA 30310. Telephone: 404-756-8909. E-mail:
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