At a glance
The CDC, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) organized an OHZDP workshop to jointly address zoonotic disease challenges in the United States. This workshop was a critical step towards a unique U.S. approach to One Health.


U.S. OHZDP Report
The CDC, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) organized a One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) workshop to further joint efforts to address zoonotic disease challenges in the United States. The workshop was held December 5-7, 2017, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) headquarters in Washington, DC.
During the workshop, participants identified a list of zoonotic diseases (or zoonoses) relevant for the United States, defined the criteria for prioritization, and determined questions and weights relevant to each criterion. Participants identified eight zoonotic diseases as priorities using a mixed methods prioritization process, the One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) Process tool, developed by CDC. Participants then used components of the One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit (OH-SMARTTM), co-developed by USDA and the University of Minnesota, to review and visualize the One Health system currently in place to address the priority zoonotic diseases in the United States among relevant federal agencies. The One Health system includes the procedures and processes for transdisciplinary and multisectoral coordination. Next, participants developed specific steps to address the newly prioritized diseases following the workshop.
The specific workshop goals were:
- To use a multisectoral, One Health approach to identify and prioritize endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases of greatest national concern for the United States that should be jointly addressed by human, animal, and environmental health sectors responsible for federal zoonotic disease programs in HHS, USDA, and DOI.
- To develop plans for implementing and strengthening multisectoral, One Health approaches to address these diseases in the United States.
This workshop was a critical step towards a unique U.S. approach to One Health, ensuring that all stakeholders have a shared vision and roadmap for implementing One Health strategies for disease surveillance, response, preparedness, workforce, and prevention and control activities in their current and future areas of focus.
The workshop summary above describes the process used to prioritize the top zoonotic diseases of concern for the United States and the key themes surrounding priority next steps to address these diseases using a multisectoral, One Health approach that includes relevant human, animal, and environmental health sectors and other relevant partners.
Top Zoonotic Diseases of National Concern for the United States
The prioritized zoonotic diseases for the United States are:
- Zoonotic influenza
- Salmonellosis
- West Nile virus
- Plague
- Emerging coronaviruses (e.g., severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome)
- Rabies
- Brucellosis
- Lyme disease