Key points
- State and local organizations can use these strategies to improve nutrition throughout the lifespan.
- Follow the links for background information, potential activities, examples of what others are doing, and resources.

Make healthy food choices easier everywhere
Improving nutrition throughout the lifespan helps reduce the risk of chronic disease. Two ways states and communities can help make healthy food choices easier everywhere are to:
- Promote food service and nutrition guidelines where food is sold, served, or distributed.
- Expand fruit and vegetable voucher incentive and produce prescription programs.
Make breastfeeding easier to start and continue
Supporting breastfeeding where mothers give birth, live, work, play, and raise children makes it easier for families to initiate and continue breastfeeding. It can help eliminate disparities in breastfeeding rates. See policies and activities that can help achieve continuity of care.
Strengthen obesity prevention in ECE settings
Promoting healthy foods and breastfeeding support, along with increasing physical activity and limiting screen time, in early care and education (ECE) settings can affect millions of children. States and communities can support children’s healthy growth and development in ECE at three levels: state systems, programs, and providers.
Increase access to Family Healthy Weight Programs
Family Healthy Weight Programs support healthy growth for children with obesity and their families. These programs help participants incorporate healthy eating, stress reduction, optimal sleep, and increased physical activity into their daily behaviors.