Safety Culture: Evaluation Survey
The six questions below measure safety culture. This survey was developed by NIOSH and many health care partners across the U.S. It has been tested in studies with health care workers, U.S. Department of Energy workers, Emergency Medical Systems workers, and loggers.
Safety at work
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about safety behavior in the organization where you work. Use this scale to answer the questions:

Add up your score. The range of possible scores is 6-24.
If your score is:
- Between 9 and 15, this indicates a Poor safety culture at work
- Between 16 and 20, this indicates a Fair safety culture
- Between 21 and 24, this indicates a Good safety culture
Analyses of data from 700 nurses in a large Northeastern U.S. hospital showed that groups with a “good” safety climate were over 4 times more likely to follow safe work practices than those with “fair” or “poor” climates scores.
Correlation analyses indicate that work environments with a good safety climate also tended to be cleaner and less cluttered, to have less loud noise, etc.