What to know
Use the following resources to promote young worker safety and health.

Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Reports
Review related NIOSH FACE and State FACE reports for recommendations to prevent similar deaths in CDC Stacks.
View by Collection (NIOSH/FACE) or search for reports using keywords in the search bar.
View the selected charts on young worker employment, injuries and illnesses.
NIOSH systems
The NIOSH Work-Related Injury Statistics Query System (Work-RISQS) provides national estimates and rates of occupational injuries and illnesses treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments. Data for youth can be queried by selecting the desired age group (i.e., <14, 15-17, 18-19, and/or 20-24.)
The SENSOR-Pesticides database contains information on 5,200 acute occupational pesticide poisoning cases who were exposed between 1998-2006. Data for youth can be queried by selecting the desired aga group (i.e., <15, 15-17, 18-19, 20-24.)
The ABLES program is a state-based surveillance program of laboratory-reported blood lead levels. Data for young workers can be charted by selecting the age group, 16-24.
Literature search
See the NIOSHTIC-2 database search results on Young Worker Safety and Health. NIOSHTIC-2 is a database of occupational safety and health publications funded in whole or in part by NIOSH.