Within this site, you can find contact information for NIOSH state partners involved in workplace safety and health surveillance. If your state has a workplace safety and health contact and is not listed, please email us and we will add it.

Contact updates
If you want to add or update contact information for your state, please email us.
In addition to the contact information below, you may also find contacts on the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologist (CSTE) website:
Andrew Haner MS, CESCO, CHMM, RPG
Public Health Preparedness/Health & Safety Epidemiology Supervisor
Environmental Epidemiologist
Arkansas Department of Health
Phone: (501) 661-2232
Email: andrew.haner@arkansas.gov
Robert Harrison
California Occupational Health Surveillance and Evaluation Program (OHSEP)
Phone: (510) 620-5769
Email: robert.harrison@ucsf.edu
Kristen Good, MEM, PhD
Health Equity Branch Deputy Chief/Occupational Health Epidemiologist
Division of Disease Control and Public Health Response
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Email: kristen.good@state.co.us
Amanda M. DeLoreto, MPH
Program Director, Epidemiologist 4
Environmental Health and Drinking Water Branch
Environmental Health Section/Occupational Health Program
Connecticut Public Health
Phone: (860) 509-7513; (413) 896-0182 (c)
Email: amanda.deloreto@ct.gov
Ivan Cherniack, MS
Epidemiologist 2
Occupational Health Unit
Environmental and Occupational Health Assessment
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Phone: (860) 509-7818
Email: ivan.cherniack@ct.gov
Webpage: http://www.ct.gov/dph
Mark Gaura, MPH
Occupational Epidemiologist/Occupational Health and Safety Manager
Florida Department of Health
Phone: (850) 245-4984
Email: Mark.Gaura@flhealth.gov
Antionette Lavender, MPH
Occupational Health Epidemiologist
Georgia Department of Public Health
Chronic Disease, Healthy Behaviors, and Injury Epidemiology Section
Phone: (404) 657-1943
Email: Antionette.Lavender@dph.ga.gov
Rana Bayakly, MPH
Chief Epidemiologist
Georgia Department of Public Health
Chronic Diseases, Healthy Behaviors and Injury Epidemiology Section
Phone: (404) 657-2617
E-mail: rana.bayakly@dph.ga.gov
Linda Forst, MD, MPH
University of Illinois at Chicago
Phone: (312) 996-9489
Email: lforst@uic.edu
Lee Friedman, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago
School of Public Health Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Phone: (312) 996-1649
Email: lfried1@uic.edu
Caitlin A. Northcutt (Pope), Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky
Department of Health, Behavior & Society
Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center
Phone: (859) 323-6222
Email: Caitlin.Pope@uky.edu
Terry Bunn, PhD
University of Kentucky
Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center
Phone: (859) 257-4955
E-mail: tbunn2@uky.edu
Anna Reilly, PhD, MPH
Occupational Health and Injury Surveillance Program
Louisiana Department of Health
Office of Public Health
Phone: (504) 568-8160
Email: Anna.Reilly@LA.gov
Kathleen Aubin
Env. Health Scientist Program Manager
Louisiana Department of Health
Phone: (504) 568-8144
Email: kathleen.aubin@la.gov
Clifford S. Mitchell, MS, MD, MPH
Environmental Health Bureau
Maryland Department of Health
Phone: (410) 767-7438
E-mail: cliff.mitchell@maryland.gov
Website: health.maryland.gov
Emily Sparer-Fine, ScD
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Occupational Health Surveillance Program
Phone: (617) 624-5717
Email: emily.sparer-fine@mass.gov
Laurel Harduar Morano, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor
Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Michigan State University
Phone: (517) 353-8592
Email: harduarm@msu.edu
Website: https://oem.msu.edu/
Kenneth D. Rosenman, MD
Professor of Medicine
Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Michigan State University
Phone: (517) 353-1846
E-mail: Rosenman@msu.edu
Thomas W. Largo, MPH
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Bureau of Epidemiology and Population Health
Division of Environmental Health
Phone: (517) 284-4806
E-mail: largot@michigan.gov
Website: www.michigan.gov/mdch-toxics
Erik Zabel, PhD, MPH
Epidemiologist and Program Director
Occupational Health | Injury & Violence Prevention Section
Minnesota Department of Health
Phone: (651) 201-3635
Email: erik.zabel@state.mn.us
Website: www.health.state.mn.us/occhealth
Cathy Wood, MPH
Environmental Surveillance Unit
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services
Phone: (573) 751-6102
Email: Cathy.Wood@health.mo.gov
Andrew Matheison, MPA
Montana Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Program
Montana Department of Labor & Industry
Phone: (406) 444-4696
Email: andrew.matheison2@mt.gov
Derry Stover, MPH
Epidemiology Surveillance Coordinator
Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance Program
Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services
Phone: (402) 471-2822
E-mail: derry.stover@nebraska.gov
Robin Williams
Epidemiology Unit Administrator
Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance Program
Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services
New Hampshire
Liu Yang, MS, MPH, PhD
Project Director
NH Occupational Health Surveillance Program
Institute on Disability / UCED
University of New Hampshire
Phone: (603) 862-2186
Email: Liu.Yang@unh.edu
Website: https://iod.unh.edu/nhohsp
Karla Armenti, MS, ScD
Research Assistant Professor
NH Occupational Health Surveillance Program
Institute on Disability / UCED
University of New Hampshire
Phone: (603) 862-2923
E-mail: karla.armenti@unh.edu
New Jersey
Marija Borjan, PhD, MPH
Research Scientist II
New Jersey Department of Health
Occupational Health Surveillance Unit
Phone: (609) 913-5105
E-mail: Marija.Borjan@doh.nj.gov
New Mexico
Srikanth Paladugu, MBBS, MPH, MBA
Bureau Chief
Environmental Health Epidemiology
Bureau Epidemiology and Response Division
Phone: (505) 476-3549 (M,W,F); (505) 841-5893 (T,Th)
New York
Alicia Fletcher, MPH
Principal Investigator/Epidemiologist
Occupational Health Surveillance
Bureau of Occupational Health and Injury Prevention
New York State Department of Health
Phone: (518) 402-7900
E-mail: Alicia.Fletcher@health.ny.gov
North Carolina
Sarah Hatcher, PhD (she/her)
Epidemiology Supervisor
Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch
Division of Public Health, Epidemiology Section
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: (919) 368-1288
Email: sarah.hatcher@dhhs.nc.gov
Steve Drouin, MPH
Occupational Epidemiologist
Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology
Division of Public Health
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: (919) 707-5900
E-mail: Steve.Drouin@dhhs.nc.gov
Karin A. Evanoff, RN
Occupational Health Nurse Consultant II Manager
Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance Program
Division of Public Health
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Phone: (919) 707-5940
E-mail: Karin.evanoff@dhhs.nc.gov
David A. Hurtado, ScD, Msc (he/him/él)
Associate Professor
Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences
Oregon Health & Science University
Phone: (503) 494-3132
Email: hurtadod@ohsu.edu
Web: tinyurl.com/davidhurtado
Jennifer (Jen) Seamans, MPH, MST
Manager, Environmental Public Health Data and Epidemiology Unit
Oregon Health Authority
Public Health Division
Phone: (971) 388-7385
Email: jennifer.seamans@oha.oregon.gov
Ryan Olson, PhD
Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences
Oregon Health & Science University
Phone: (503) 494-2501
E-mail: olsonry@ohsu.edu
Anil Nair, PhD, MPH
Division of Environmental Health Epidemiology
Bureau of Epidemiology
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Phone: (717) 787-3350
Email: annair@pa.gov
Website: www.health.pa.gov/topics/envirohealth
Remy Babich, PhD
PennOSHS Program Manager and Contract Epidemiologist
Division of Environmental Health Epidemiology
Bureau of Epidemiology
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Phone: (717) 982-5832
Email: c-rbabich@pa.gov
Benjamin Crumpler
Occupational Health and Injury Surveillance Programs
Office of Population Health Surveillance
Division of Population Health Assessment
Phone: (615) 253-2783
Email: Benjamin.crumpler@tn.gov
Website: https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/statistics/health-data/occ-health.html
Ketki Patel, MD, PhD, MPH
Senior Epidemiologist
Environmental Surveillance and Toxicology Branch
Texas Department of State Health Services
Phone: (512) 776-3723
Email: Ketki.patel@dshs.texas.gov
Michael Landen, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist
Virginia Department of Health
Phone: (804) 461-0735
David Bonauto, MD, MPH
Associate Medical Director
Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention Program
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
Phone: (360) 902-5664
E-mail: Bone235@LNI.wa.gov
Sara Wuellner, PhD, MPH
Safety and Health Assessment and Research for Prevention Program
Washington State Department of Labor and Industries
Phone: (360) 902-6727
Email: wues235@LNI.WA.GOV