We are taking steps to continue to modernize and secure our data, applications, and systems. We completed the first phase and restored many of the functions put on pause in May 2021. Now that the first phase is complete, work will resume at a slower pace but will speed up as new systems and applications are brought online. For more information and updates, please visit our Cybersecurity Modernization Initiative web page.
Data Formats and Types
Data Formats
The data retrieved during data search and capture efforts may be in one or more of a variety of formats:
- Databases
- Documents
- Books
- Logbooks
- Blueprints
- Pictures
- Microfilm
- Microfiche cards
- Spreadsheets
Data Types
Examples of data retrieved and used:
- Individual dosimeter readings
- Bioassay measurement results
- Air concentrations
- Facilities/Process — Workplace monitoring data:
- Source terms, contamination surveys, general area/breathing-zone air sampling, area radiation surveys, radon/thoron monitoring, fixed location dosimeters, missed dose information, radiological control limits, radiation work permits, incidents/accidents
- Process descriptions — general description of the process
- Characterization of source term (i.e., the radionuclide and its quantity)
- Extent of encapsulation
- Personnel protective equipment employed
- Methods of containment
- Other information used to assess the potential for airborne dispersion
- Workplace characterization data
- Information on the external exposure environment, including radiation type; radiation energy spectrum; uniformity of exposure; irradiation geometry; and work-required medical screening x-rays; respiratory protection practices
- Medical Monitoring:
- X-rays, occupational medical exams, exam frequencies, equipment performance characteristics
- Environmental Monitoring:
- Ambient radiation, onsite releases, onsite radionuclide concentrations
- Internal Dosimetry:
- Urinalysis, fecal, in vivo, breath sampling, radon-thoron, nasal smears, analytical methods, sample frequency, detection limits, recordkeeping practices, codes, performance characteristics, incident investigation reports
- External Dosimetry:
- External dosimeter readings (thermoluminescent dosimeters, film badges, pocket ion chambers, neutron dosimeters), analytical methods, exchange frequency, detection limits, recordkeeping practices, codes, performance characteristics
- Individual/Group Data:
- Individual worker monitoring data, such as dosimeter readings and bioassay sample results
- group worker-monitoring data
- workplace area-monitoring data
- process description information and process history
- incident, safety, and accident reports
- pertinent excerpts from employee medical records
- information on the quantity and composition of radioactive substances, including the chemical form, particle size distribution, level of containment, and likelihood of dispersion
- Identification, last known address, and phone number of current and former supervisors, occupational safety and health staff, and nonsupervisory employees of DOE and its contractors, subcontractors, and AWEs with expertise
- Monitoring program data
- Analytical methods used for bioassay analyses
- Performance characteristics of dosimeters for different radiation types
- Historical detection limits for bioassay samples and dosimeter badges
- Documentation of recordkeeping practices used to censor data and/or administratively assigned dose
- Coded data:
- Because of the limited storage capacity of early electronic data processing systems, such data often are in coded form and can be difficult to interpret. Therefore the following are also collected to interpret the data:
- Code books
- User manuals
- Other reference materials describing electronic data systems
- Because of the limited storage capacity of early electronic data processing systems, such data often are in coded form and can be difficult to interpret. Therefore the following are also collected to interpret the data: