NPPTL Participation in Standard Development Committees
Personal protective equipment (PPE) and technology (PPT) play an important role in keeping workers, in many industries, safe while performing their professional duties. The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) was created to be the division of NIOSH charged with the mission of preventing disease, injury, and death for the millions of working men and women relying on protective equipment.
The mission and vision of NPPTL is enhanced through the collaboration with Standard Development Organizations (SDOs) to develop and implement standards, policies, and guidance documents for PPE and PPT performance, use, and maintenance.
NIOSH encourages employees with relevant experience to represent NIOSH on voluntary consensus standards committees in order to translate NIOSH scientific research findings into practice. Participation is first approved by the employee’s supervisor, the division, lab, or office (DLO) director, the CDC Ethics office, and finally, the NIOSH Director.
The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) of 1995 directs federal agencies to adopt voluntary consensus standards, as opposed to developing and using government-unique standards.
The governmental strategy and guidelines used by agencies to assess and report their conformity assessment activities in accordance with NTTAA are detailed in Office of Budget and Management (OMB) Circular A-119.
Leveraging Standard Development Organizations to Develop Respirator Standards
NPPTL is leveraging the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Technical Committee on Tactical and Technical Operations Respiratory Protection Equipment (FAE-TTO) to develop the new NFPA 1987 Standard on Combination Unit Respirator (CUR) Systems for Tactical and Technical Operations. NPPTL personnel are active on this technical committee, leading and participating in task groups, and providing technical expertise in developing CUR performance criteria and testing methods.
NFPA 1987 is in the early developmental stages prior to beginning full public review and initial revision cycle. Meeting agendas, minutes, and other information can be viewed and downloaded from the NFPA 1987 Document Page. Once the NFPA 1987 standard is completed, it will be endorsed and adopted by NIOSH in lieu of a federal CUR standard.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards are consensus-based standards developed by global expert opinion and input. NPPTL participates in multiple working and project groups in support of ISO PPE standards. Since 2002, NPPTL has been contributing to the activities of ISO Technical Committee 94 Personal Safety – Protective Clothing and Equipment – Subcommittee 15 – Respiratory Protective Devices (ISO TC94/SC15). The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) represents the U.S. as the official ISO member body and is responsible for providing the U.S. position to ISO. NPPTL also administers the ANSI-accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Group (USTAG) to ISO TC94/SC15.
The ISO respiratory protective device (RPD) test methods and related performance standards can be considered for potential updates and revisions to NIOSH respirator approval requirements in 42 CFR Part 84 and in the consideration of potential research projects.
ISO TC94/SC15 has developed:
- Fourteen international RPD test method standards – Inward Leakage, Breathing Resistance, Particle and Gas Filter Efficiency, RPD Headforms and Testing Tools and Equipment, Mechanical Strength, Practical Performance, Interactive Flow Rate, Carbon Dioxide, Flame and Heat, Field of Vision, Work of Breathing, Mining Escape RPD, Noise Level;
- Eight technical specifications relating to the human factors of RPD use;
- Four technical specifications – RPD Marking and Information, Classification, Selection, Use and Maintenance
- Three international standards – RPD Terms and Definitions, RPD Standardized Connector, and RPD Fit-Testing (in the workplace);
- Ongoing development of performance standards for filtering RPD, supplied breathable gas RPD, special application chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) RPD, and special application radiological and nuclear (RN) RPD.
The ANSI/ASSE Z88 Respirator Package included all aspects of the Z88 nationally recognized respirator standards and guidance for training individuals to conduct respirator fit testing. In July 2017, the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) transferred the Z88 Respirator Package to ASTM International and incorporated into Committee F23 on Protective Clothing and Equipment. The Z88 standards are now the responsibility of the Subcommittee F23.65 on Respiratory. NPPTL staff members on Z88 are transitioning to ASTM F23.65 and will continue to provide leadership and technical expertise in the transition of Z88 respirator standards as ASTM F23 respirator standards.
Previous ANSI/ASSE Z88 Respirator Package
Committee Designation | Committee Name |
ANSI Z88 ASC | Secretariat |
ANSI Z88.2 | Practices for Respiratory Protection |
ANSI Z88.6 | Medical Requirements |
ANSI Z88.10 | Respirator Fit Testing Methods |
ANSI Z88.15 | Respirator Fit Capability |
ANSI Z88.16 | Assigned Protection Factors |
ANSI Z88.17 | Terminology |
Standard Development Organizations with NPPTL Committee Members

Committee Designation | Committee Name | Principal Member | Alternate Member | Subject Matter Expert |
FAE-AAC | Correlating Committee on Fire and Emergency Services Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell, Chairman | Jon Szalajda | Jeff Peterson |
FAE-ELS | Technical Committee on Electronic Safety Equipment | Bill Haskell | Tim Rehak | |
FAE-EMS | Technical Committee on Emergency Medical Services Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | |
FAE-HAZ | Technical Committee on Hazardous Materials Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | Terry Cloonan |
FAE-RPE | Technical Committee on Respiratory Protection Equipment | Jeff Peterson | Bob Stein | Jay Tarley |
FAE-TTO | Technical Committee on Tactical and Technical Operations Respiratory Protection Equipment | Jon Szalajda | Bob Stein | Jeff Peterson |
FAE-SCE | Technical Committee on Special Operations Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
FAE-SPF | Technical Committee on Structural and Proximity Fire Fighting Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell | Jay Tarley | |
FAE-WFF | Technical Committee on Wildland Fire Fighting Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell | Jay Tarley | Corey Butler* |
HCZ-AAA | Hazardous Materials Response Personnel | Tim Rehak | Bill Haskell | Terry Cloonan, Colleen Miller |
* NIOSH Western States Division |

Committee Designation | Committee Name | Voting | Non-Voting | Subject Matter Expert |
F23 | Committee F23 on Protective Clothing and Equipment | Bill Haskell | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Colleen Miller |
F23.20 | Subcommittee F23.20 on Physical | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Bill Haskell | Dana Rottach, Colleen Miller |
F23.30 | Subcommittee F23.30 on Chemicals | Lee Portnoff | Bill Haskell, Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach |
F23.40 | Subcommittee F23.40 on Biological | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Lee Portnoff | Samy Rengasamy |
F23.50 | Subcommittee F23.50 on Certification and PPE Interoperability | Bill Haskell, Chair | Jeff Peterson, Colleen Miller | |
F23.60 | Subcommittee F23.60 on Human Factors | Ziqing Zhuang | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Jon Williams |
F23.65 | Subcommittee F23.65 on Respiratory (Formerly ANSI/ASSE Z88 Committee) |
Jon Szalajda | Tim Rehak, Chris Coffey, Colleen Miller, W. Jon Williams, Michael Bergman, Ziqing Zhuang | |
F23.70 | Subcommittee F23.70 on Radiological Hazards | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
F23.80 | Subcommittee F23.80 on Flame and Thermal | Bill Haskell | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Samy Rengasamy |
F23.90 | Subcommittee F23.90 on Executive | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
F23.91 | Subcommittee F23.91 on Editorial | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
F23.95 | Subcommittee F23.95 on Planning | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
F23.96 | International Standards Coordination US TAG to ISO TC 94/SC13 on Protective Clothing -and to ISO TC94/SC14 on Fire Fighter Personal Protective Equipment | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
F23.96.01 | Subcommittee F23.96.01 on US TAG to ISO TC 94/SC13 on Protective Clothing | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
F23.96.02 | Subcommittee F23.96.02 on US TAG to ISO TC94/SC14 on Fire Fighter Personal Protective Equipment | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller | |
E54 | Committee E54 on Homeland Security Applications | Bill Haskell, Recording Secretary | Colleen Miller | |
E54.90 | Subcommittee E54.09 on Executive | Bill Haskell | Colleen Miller |

Committee Designation | Committee Name | Voting Member | Alternate Voting Member | Subject Matter Expert |
ANSI-accredited USTAG to TC94/SC15 | Personal Safety – Protective Clothing and Equipment – Respiratory protective devices | Colleen Miller | Bill King | Maryann D’Alessandro, Terry Cloonan, Jim Harris, Jeff Palcic, Tim Rehak, Samy Rengasamy, Eddie Sinkule, Bob Stein, Rich Vojtko, Gary Walbert, W. Jon Williams, Ziqing Zhuang, Chris Coffey |
TC 94 | Personal Safety – Protective Clothing and Equipment | Colleen Miller | ||
TC 94/SC 15 | Respiratory Protective Devices | Colleen Miller | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG1 | Terminology, Marking and Classification | Colleen Miller | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG2 | Filtering RPD | Colleen Miller, Ziqing Zhuang | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG3 | Supplied Breathable Gas RPD | Colleen Miller, Ziqing Zhuang, Terry Cloonan | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG4 | Test Methods | Colleen Miller, Ziqing Zhuang, Eddie Sinkule, Bill King | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG5 | Human Factors | W. Jon Williams, Ziqing Zhuang | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG6 | Selection and Use | Colleen Miller, Jim Harris | ||
TC 94/SC 15/WG7 | CBRN | Terry Cloonan, Jeff Peterson, Jon Szalajda | ||
TC 94/SC 6 | Eye and Face Protection | Ziqing Zhuang, Jim Harris |

Committee Designation | Committee Name | Voting Member | Alternate Voting Member | Subject Matter Expert |
Z87 | Accredited Standards Committee on Safety Standards for Eye Protection | Jim Harris | Ziqing Zhuang | Selcen Kilinc-Balci, Lewis Radonovich |

Committee Designation | Committee Name | Voting Member | Alternate Voting Member | Subject Matter Expert |
PB | Protective Barriers Committee (surgical gowns and drapes) | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Lee Portnoff |

Committee Designation | Committee Name | Voting Member | Alternate Voting Member | Subject Matter Expert |
RA31 | Antimicrobial Activity Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA38 | Colorfastness to Crocking Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA42 | Dimensional Change Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA50 | Lightfastness and Weathering Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA56 | Stain Resistance Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA60 | Colorfastness to Washing Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA61 | Appearance Retention Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA63 | Water Resistance, Absorbency and Wetting Agent Evaluation Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Voting |
RA75 | Evaluation of Materials and Products for End Use Performance | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA89 | Hand Evaluation Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Voting |
RA104 | Garment Wet Processing Technology | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA106 | UV Protective Textile Test Methods | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Non-Voting |
RA109 | Flammability Technology | Selcen Kilinc-Balci | Dana Rottach | Voting |
Memoranda of Understanding between NPPTL and Standard Development Organizations
The purpose of this MOU is to facilitate the partnership between NIOSH NPPTL and the ASTM International’s Committee F23 on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment. The MOU includes cooperation in development of test methods, product standards, practices, guides, classifications, and terminology related to worker and emergency responder protective clothing and equipment. This will be accomplished by NIOSH employee membership and participation on ASTM standards development committees.
This MOU is intended to define the general scope of the intended collaboration between the parties and does not create any rights or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity, against the United States, the signatory federal agencies, and ASTM International.
The purpose of this MOU is to facilitate the partnering, cooperation, and coordination of activities between NIOSH, NFPA, and the NFPA Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF). The primary focus will be emergency responder protective clothing and equipment (PPE) including PPE for response to all emergency incidents including fire, technical rescue, hazardous materials, emergency medical, special operations, and terrorism incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) hazards, as well as the development of standards for emergency responder organizations and personnel concerning the safety, deployment, operations, and protection of emergency responders.
This MOU is intended to define the general scope of the intended collaboration between the parties and does not create any rights or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity, against the United States, the signatory federal agencies, the NFPA, or the FPRF.