PPE CASE – Evaluation of Fit and Strap Extension Performance of Stockpiled Filtering Facepiece Respirators from One U.S. Facility
November 2021
NPPTL Report Number P2021-0102
NIOSH evaluated 293 stockpiled N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFR) from a single facility to determine if long-term storage (9-13 years) affected fit. Using human subjects, quantitative fit testing identified product- and lot-specific differences between the control and stockpiled respirators—substantial differences were detected for some products.

Over the past decade, the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) and state and local stockpile personnel asked NIOSH to evaluate the effect of stockpile conditions on the viability of respirators. To support this request, NIOSH collected samples of stockpiled N95 FFRs from ten geographically dispersed facilities with varying storage conditions from 2017-2019. Approximately 4,000 FFRs were collected and tested in accordance with NIOSH performance requirements. The facility-specific reports can be found here.
This report details the fit testing performance of N95 FFRs collected from Facility Four which is one of the ten facilities visited. Facility Four is a state stockpile facility.
Suggested Citation
NIOSH [2021] PPE CASE: Evaluation of Fit and Strap Extension Performance of Stockpiled Filtering Facepiece Respirators from One U.S. Facility. By Greenawald LA, Moore SM, and Yorio PL. Pittsburgh, PA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NPPTL Report Number P2021-0102.