Key points
- Occupational hearing loss is permanent but preventable.
- Exposure to loud noise or certain chemicals while at work can damage your hearing.
- Hearing loss is associated with tinnitus (ringing in the ears), heart problems, cognitive decline, and poor mental health.

Exposure to loud noise or certain chemicals while at work can damage your hearing. Occupational hearing loss is one of the most common work-related illnesses and is permanent.
Hearing loss is associated with
- Communication difficulties, making it challenging to maintain relationships with others.
- Other health problems, including tinnitus (ringing in the ears), heart problems, cognitive decline, and poor mental health.
- Concerns for personal safety and the safety of others.
Fortunately, occupational hearing loss can nearly always be prevented. Health and safety professionals, employers, and workers can all help prevent occupational hearing loss.
Terms to know
A-weighted decibels (dBA): A-weighted decibels are a scale for measuring noise.
Hazardous noise: Noise is considered hazardous or loud when it reaches 85 dBA or higher.
Ototoxic chemicals: Chemicals that cause damage to different parts of the ear. Exposure to ototoxic chemicals can cause hearing loss and make the ears more sensitive to the harmful effects of noise.
Tinnitus: Tinnitus is an annoying buzzing, rushing, or ringing noise in your ears or in your head.
NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) for occupational noise: 85 dBA averaged over an eight-hour workday. Workers who are exposed to noise at or above the NIOSH REL are at risk of developing significant hearing loss over their working lifetime.

Signs of hearing loss
- Having difficulty hearing when there is background noise.
- Thinking people are mumbling when they talk to you.
- Needing to ask others to repeat themselves often.
Often, those close to you will notice that you have hearing trouble before you notice it yourself.
Health and safety concerns
Health concerns
Exposure to loud noise and ototoxic chemicals can lead to more than just hearing damage. Research shows that hearing loss is associated with cognitive decline and heart problems. Hearing loss and tinnitus can also impact your mental health, which may result in depression, anxiety, and a feeling of isolation and sadness.
Safety at home and work
Hearing loss can impact safety at home and on the job. The sound of a smoke detector, the warning beep as a forklift backs up, and the engine of an oncoming car may be missed. Workers with hearing loss are more likely to get injured on the job.
Pregnancy concerns
Working in a noisy job when you're pregnant can increase your stress levels which can impact the health of your developing baby. Very loud sounds may also affect your baby's hearing. To learn more, visit the NIOSH Noise and Reproductive Health page.
What the research shows
Millions of workers are at risk
- All industries have hearing risks.
- About 22 million workers are exposed to hazardous noise at work each year.
- Over 13 million people work in industries where they have a higher chance of being exposed to ototoxic chemicals.
Hearing loss and tinnitus are common
- In the U.S., hearing loss is the third most common chronic physical health condition among adults, after high blood pressure and arthritis.
- About 1 in 8 people in the U.S. working population has hearing difficulty. Among those with hearing difficulty, occupational exposures are the cause for 1 in 4 people.
- About 1 in 13 people in the U.S. working population has tinnitus, and 1 in 25 has both hearing difficulty and tinnitus.
What can be done
Occupational hearing loss is permanent but preventable. Employers, health and safety professionals, and workers can take action to prevent hearing loss.
Employers and health and safety professionals can measure noise, implement noise controls, and establish hearing loss prevention programs. Learn how:
Workers can learn more about ways to protect themselves from hazardous noise and chemicals. Workers should have a yearly hearing test if exposed to hazardous noise or ototoxic chemicals. Get your hearing tested if you notice a change in your hearing or develop tinnitus.