Module 6 – Situational (Physical and Environmental) Resources Protecting Public Health Workers from Burnout
In this module we explore situational (physical and environmental) resources that can help public health workers respond to a variety of demands. After reviewing this module, you should be able to:
- Identify essential physical resources that can help public health workers respond to demands.
- Identify essential environmental resources that can help public health workers respond to demands.
- Explain how situational (physical and environmental) resources can reduce public health workers’ risks for burnout.
- In your team or unit, what are the (a) most common and (b) most impactful physical and environmental resources that are needed to do the work you do?
- Can you identify any common and impactful situational demands for which you lack necessary physical and environmental resources? What are these needed resources and when do you need them the most?
- What would it take to gain or find access to these resources within your team or unit?
- Learn more about the “built environment” and how it affects all of us in and outside of our work situations. For starters, consider the following resources:
- Review and act on guidance that can help you improve physical and environmental aspects of your work situation. Conduct an audit of key features in your work environment using the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Technical Manual.