Module 1 – Series Overview
Module one presents a high-level overview of the full training that is designed to educate and empower supervisors working in public health to better control burnout risks and consequences, for themselves and the workers they supervise.
After reviewing this module, you should be able to:
- Define the concept and term of “burnout”.
- Explain why public health workers are at risk of experiencing burnout.
- Explain the potential consequences of burnout for public health workers and their organizations.
- Identify examples of situational, environmental, psychological, and social demands and resources and explain how each relates to burnout for public health workers.
- Describe the IGLOO (individual, group, leader, organization, overarching context) framework and how each level is relevant to the experience of burnout among public health workers.
- Describe examples of intervention strategies to address demands-resources imbalances that apply at each level of the IGLOO model within a public health worker context.
- How have you seen burnout in your own work environment? What are signs and symptoms you have seen in the workers you lead?
- If you have noticed burnout, what do you believe are some of the factors in your work environment that make workers vulnerable? If you have not noticed much burnout, what do you think it is that makes your workers resilient?
- The Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs (PH WINS) survey examined the current state of a large sample of public health workers. Some of the findings from this study were included in this module. For more information, read an overall summary of the 2021 findings
- Specific mental health resources provided by the CDC for public health professionals and health professionals. These resources were provided during the pandemic, but have information that can be provided for awareness of mental health at any time.
- Quick general tips on how to prevent burnout from the World Health Organization