Key points
- A person's job can increase their risk of heart disease.
- There are multiple work-related risk factors for heart disease.
- Some jobs have a higher risk for heart disease.
- There are things employers and employees can do to reduce heart disease.

Heart disease refers to health conditions that involve the heart or blood vessels.
One factor that can cause heart disease is exposure to certain social, organizational, and environmental conditions at work.

Among working-age populations, work is linked to about 10-20% of all cardiovascular disease deaths.
Each year in the United States, 10 work-related factors cause 5-8% of healthcare costs and 120,000 deaths (including heart disease):1
- Long working hours (55 hours or more per week)2
- Working nights, rotating shifts, or other non-standard shifts 23
- High job demand45
- Low job control45
- Low job security (worried about losing one's job)
- Work-family imbalance
- Low organizational justice (feeling of being treated unfairly at work)
- Low workplace social support
- Unemployment
- No health insurance
Risk factors
Work-related factors
There is evidence that these job-related factors increase heart disease risk:
- working in a job that has high effort, low reward6
- bullying or violence45
- lower income45
- increased physical activity7
- dust, fume, or chemical exposures, such as secondhand smoke and lead)891011
Other job-related factors
Your job may also influence your other risk factors for heart disease. This includes whether you have high blood pressure, high glucose, or high cholesterol. Whether you are obese, don't exercise, or have an unhealthy diet. If you are burned out or depressed, use alcohol excessively, or have problems sleeping.

Jobs most at risk
These occupations have a higher risk of heart disease.
- Professional drivers, including long-haul truck drivers
- First responders, including police officers and firefighters
- Food and drink preparatory workers12
- Fishery workers12
- Cargo workers12
- Civil engineer workers12
- Plant and machine operators and assemblers13
What the data show
Did you know?
What you can do
The NIOSH Total Worker Health® Program advances worker well-being. It integrates work-related safety and health hazards protection with injury and illness prevention. CDC also has a Workplace Health Resource Center.
Search the NIOSHTIC-2 database to find additional occupational safety and health publications on this topic from NIOSH or a NIOSH-supported project.
Offer workplace programs and activities
- Build short physical activity breaks (5-10 min) into the workday.
- Offer health education programs that counsel employees on healthier behaviors.
- Ensure employees are properly trained to prevent chemical exposures. See Hierarchy of Controls and Preventing Lead exposure.
- Don't allow smoking in the workplace.
- Offer healthy foods in workplace vending machines and cafeterias.
Implement workplace surveillance programs
- Do workplace health screenings and referrals.14
- Provide portable (ambulatory) monitors for employees to more accurately measure their blood pressure while working. 615
- Survey your workforce to understand work organization and work psychosocial stressors. These stressors may be chronic, occurring daily, or could be the result of major life events.616
Lower work-related stressors
Organizational, collective bargaining, and legislative interventions can lower employees' work-related stress and fatigue.
- Reduce mandatory overtime.17
- Provide family sick leave.1819
- Increase staff in healthcare settings (e.g., provide better nurse-to-patient staffing ratios).620
- Form workplace committees to identify and reduce job stressors (e.g., develop labor-management committees).21
- Increase workers' influence on working time, work tasks, or work organization. 22
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