NIOSH produces various types of videos for many types of worker groups. This includes training, information, and promotional. This page is designed to provide a central access point all of our videos.

Enhancing the Well-being of American Indian and Alaska Native Workers
Series highlights the importance of worker safety and health in tribal communities
Year: 2023
Run time: see below
- Denell Broncho 5:35
- Chris Fish 4:43
- Zintkala Eiring 4:38
- Ryan Hill 3:47
- Lee Newman 3:46
- Delvin Toddy 4:23

How to Tell if Your N95® Respirator is NIOSH Approved
This video explains how to determine if an N95® filtering facepiece respirator is NIOSH approved, including required labeling and where to look to confirm an approval number. Additionally, it provides tips for how to recognize counterfeit and misrepresented respirators.
Year: 2023
Pub. No: 2023-120
Run time: 6:49

National Firefighter Registry Testimonials
Fire service members discuss why joining the National Fire Fighter Registry is important.
Year: 2023
Run time: see below
- Compilation 2:15
- Bryan Frieders 0:56
- Billy Goldfeder 1:03
- Manuel Fonseca 1:16
- Jeff Pauley 1:11
- Judy Smith Thill 1:05
- Rick Swan 0:51
- Regina Wilson 1:15

How will the NFR Protect My Data?
Learn how the NIOSH National Firefighter Registry will protect firefighters’ data when they sign up.
Year: 2022
Run time 1:38

Challenges and Tactics for Fighting Row House Fires
This training video highlights tactics that firefighters should follow when fighting row house fires and makes them aware of the potential for fire extension based on features specific to row houses.
Year: 2022
Pub. No: 2023-101
Run time: 8:55

Removing Mortar with a Brick and Mortar Saw
Learn how to use a brick and mortar saw to remove mortar from joints of brick or stone walls.
Year: 2022
Run time: 3:00

Removing Mortar with a Chisel and Rotary Hammer
Learn how to use a chisel and rotary hammer to remove mortar from joints of brick or stone walls.
Year: 2022
Run time: 3:01

How the NFR Works
Learn how the NIOSH National Firefighter Registry works and how to enroll.
Year: 2022
Run time: 2:48

You’ve Got This! Understanding Hazards, Risks, and Controls for Safer Fluid Transfers in Oil and Gas Extraction
This video highlights safe work practices for fluid transfers from tanks to tanker trucks.
Year: 2022
Pub. No: 2023-122
Run time: 10:57

Addressing Opioid Overdose Deaths in the Workplace
NIOSH developed this video based on our fact sheet to help employers decide if having naloxone available is right for their workplace.
Year: 2022
Run time: 5:34

True Fall Stories: Standing Down for Safety!
Learn the benefits and potential consequences of adhering to or ignoring fall safety.
Year: 2022
Run time: 6:01

Opioids in the Construction Industry
Video series looking the opioid crisis and its effect on the construction industry.
Year: 2021
Run time: see below

Workplace Supported Recovery
Introduction to the concept of Workplace Supported Recovery and describes how the Workplace Supported Recovery principles and help employers prevent exposure to workplace factors that could cause or perpetuate substance use disorder (SUD) while lowering barriers to seeking or receiving care and maintaining recovery.
Year: 2021
Run time: 4:14

NIOSH 50th Anniversary: A History of Occupational Safety and Health
2021 was the 50th anniversary of NIOSH. This video describes the origin of the institute and highlights historic milestones of the last 50 years.
Year: 2021
Pub. No: 2021-105
Run time: 4:56

Collecting Current Occupation and Industry
This video was created to help researchers and public health practitioners collect useful text descriptions of industry and occupation information when completing surveys, infectious disease case reports, and other health-related data collection. The video addresses the importance of collecting industry and occupation data in public health datasets and discusses best practices for collecting such data.
Year: 2020
Run time: 8:59

NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards App
Learn about the new features to the NIOSH Pocket Guide app. This version of the NPG contains all the content from the NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards publication and native app, accessible via a sophisticated search engine that can search by chemical name, trade name or synonym, DOT number and CAS number. A user can also store chemical records as “favorites” for later use, and control which data about a given chemical are displayed for clarity in the field.
Year: 2020
Run time: 6:29 Features & use & 1:45 Promo

Ventilated Headboard: Surge Isolation to Protect Healthcare Workers
Provides on the background behind the application, development and testing of the NIOSH-developed ventilated headboard, a worker-protective engineering control designed to capture potentially infectious patient-generated aerosol at the source, while simultaneously cleaning the room of unwanted aerosols. The Ventilated Headboard is a cost-effective alternative to provide surge isolation capacity within healthcare facilities and alternative care locations such as field hospitals, emergency medical shelters, or repurposed existing structures.
Year: 2020
Run time: 7:58

Know Your Nailer: Nail Gun Safety
Nail guns are widely used on many construction jobs, especially in residential construction. While they boost productivity in some situations, they may also cause tens of thousands of painful injuries each year. By using a nailer in full sequential mode, many of these injuries can be prevented.
Year: 2019
Run time: 0:40 (short)/1:30(full length)

Fishing Safety Success Story: Man, This Could Be It
Lobstermen have the highest number of fatal falls overboard among commercial fishermen in the Northeast U.S. from 2010-2014. NONE of the victims were wearing a personal flotation device (PFD) when they drowned. In the fall of 2016, Gerry fell overboard while mooring his lobster boat; he wasn’t wearing a PFD. He’s now a vocal advocate for the necessity of PFDs when working on or around the water.
Year: 2019
Pub. No: 2019-163
Run time: 5:20

How Poison Ivy Works
Why does poison ivy cause a rash and blisters? What happens when urushiol, poison ivy’s toxic oil, gets onto the skin? Learn how poison ivy works—and find out more about poisonous plants from NIOSH.
Year: 2018
Run time: 2:39

The NIOSH Sound Level Meter app for iOS Devices: Features and Instructions
This app for iOS devices can be used by safety and health professionals and industrial hygienists to assess risks, similar to how they would use a professional sound level meter, and by workers to make informed decisions about the potential hazards to their hearing in the workplace.
Year: 2017
Run time: 6:24

Buy Quiet – For Manufacturers (request DVD)
Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common work-related illnesses in the United States. NIOSH recommends preventing hazardous noise through controls for noise exposure and encourages business owners to create Buy Quiet programs as a first step.
Year: 2015
Pub. No: 2016-103
Run time: 5:48

NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations: Sampling for Exposures
Video describes the basics of exposure sampling that occurs as part of the NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program.
Year: 2014
Pub. No: 2014-118
Run time: 2:10

Paul Revere: A Story of Survival in Bristol Bay (request DVD)
This video highlights a common type of vessel disaster, a rapid capsizing event due to large waves. The story focuses on a vessel that capsizes in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, and the crew was able to survive 2 hours in the cold water due to the inflatable Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) they wear as standard work gear.
Year: 2014
Pub. No: 2014-115
Run time: 10:25

Employer Solutions for Total Worker Health
This video covers simple and easy solutions employers can take towards creating organizational cultures of total worker health.
Year: 2013
Pub. No: 2013-159
Run time: 2:04

NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Program: Helping to Eliminate Workplace Health Hazards Video
Learn about what the NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Program is and how we can assist employees, employers, and unions.
Year: 2013
Pub. No: 2013-154
Run time: 2:18

Move IT! Rig Move Safety for Truckers (request DVD)
This video covers rig move safety for truckers in the oil and gas fields. It helps make sense of the organized chaos that accompanies a rig move and highlights some easy ways to lower the risk of being injured or killed when moving to a new location.
Year: 2012
Pub. No: 2012-168D
Run time: 27:18

Man Overboard: Prevention and Recovery (request DVD)
NIOSH, in cooperation with AMSEA and Alaska Sea Grant, has created this video designed to help crew prevent and respond to man overboard events. It features interviews with fishermen about experiences with falling overboard and explains how to successfully recover a person in the water.
Year: 2011
Pub. No: 2011-126D
Run time: 18:00

Move It! Rig Move Safety for Roughnecks (request DVD)
This video covers rig move safety for Roughnecks in the oil and gas fields. It helps make sense of the organized chaos that accompanies a rig move and highlights some easy ways to lower the risk of being injured or killed when moving to a new location.
Year: 2011
Pub. No: 2011-108D
Run time: 23:0

Making Green Jobs Safe Workshop
Remarks by John Howard, M.D., NIOSH, Director and David Michaels, Ph.D., M.P.H., Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health
Year: 2009
Run time: opening 3:48/closing 19:08 remarks

Take Pride in Your Job: Fall Protection (request DVD)
This video encourages oil and gas extraction workers to use fall protection and never be “un-clipped” and thus vulnerable when at height.
Year: 2008
Pub. No: 2009-108D
Run time: 10:00

Take Pride in Your Job: Seat Belts (request DVD)
This video encourages oil and gas extraction workers to wear a seat belt whenever in a moving motor vehicle. The video features oil and gas extraction workers describing their use of seat belts and sharing their personal stories about why seat belts should be worn all the time – every time.
Year: 2008
Pub. No: 2009-109D
Run time: 11:00

Occupational Safety and Health Poetry Performance
Stacy Smallwood a public health professional and poet, performs his new occupational safety poem.
Year: 2007
Run time: 5:44

Deck Safety Awareness for Purse Seiners (request DVD)
A safety awareness video designed to help crew members be more aware of safety hazards on board purse seining vessels.
Year: 2007
Pub. No: 2007-126d
Run time: 40:00

Violence on the Job (request DVD)
This program describes workplace violence factors and suggests measures for reduction.
Year: 2004
Pub. No: 2004-100d
Combined running time: 27:00 (2 videos)

Working With Stress (request DVD)
This program describes workplace stress factors and suggests measures for stress reduction.
Year: 2002
Pub. No: 2003-114d
Run time: 17:00

TB Respiratory Protection in Health Care (request DVD)
These two videos are designed to educate health care workers on proper respiratory protection.
Year: 2002
Pub. No: 2002-114d
Run time: 42:00

Caution: Foundry at Work (request DVD)
This video describes occupational safety and health factors related to foundry work. Includes both English and Spanish language tracks
Year: 1998
Pub. No: 98-109d
Run time: 10:00