Paul Revere: A Story of Survival in Bristol Bay
March 2014
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2014-115

Total running time: 10:25
Audience: commercial fishermen, the commercial fishing industry, safety trainers, and other industries where people work on or over the water (bridge construction, tug and barge work, quarry mining, etc.)
Vessel disasters account for over 50% of commercial fishing fatalities in the United States. This video highlights an all too common type of vessel disaster, a rapid capsizing event due to large waves. The story focuses on a vessel that capsizes in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, and the crew was able to survive 2 hours in the cold water due to the inflatable Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) they wear as standard work gear. The PFDs kept them afloat while they worked on getting to shore. PFDs are a proven solution to extending survival time of workers in the water, even cold water. NIOSH recommends all fishermen find a comfortable PFD and wear it on deck 100% of the time.
View this video on the NIOSH YouTube channel.