Module 3 of the CDC NERD Academy curriculum provides information about risk factors for disease and the role of social determinants of health. Use module 3 to help students answer the question, "Who is at risk?".

Lesson plan
In module 3, students learn about factors that can affect health outcomes (e.g., risk factors). They also learn about the social determinants of health and how these determinants affect the health of communities. Using case studies, students identify individuals’ risk for NERD based on their personal biology, behaviors, and environment. Students also learn what it takes to pursue a public health career as a behavioral scientist.
Educational video for students
This video introduces students to the concepts they will be exploring in CDC NERD Academy Module 3: Who is at risk? This video teaches students what health equity means and how different types of risk factors increase or decrease a person’s risk for disease. Students learn the role of a behavioral scientist and how determinants of health affect risk factors and health outcomes. After this video, students will be ready to participate in an activity and group discussion about disease risk.
Activity demonstration for teachers
This instructional video shows educators how to organize their classroom, group students, and prepare and distribute handouts for participation in Module 3: Who is at risk? This video provides a brief overview of the concepts students will learn in this module, including health equity, risk factors, and prevention strategies. The video guides educators through the steps of a learning activity that helps students identify disease risk factors by reviewing case studies and creating a concept map. The video provides suggested timing for the activity and discussion and offers tips for encouraging students to brainstorm and discuss strategies to reduce disease risks.
Public health career spotlight: Behavioral scientist
A behavioral scientist studies why people behave the way they do and what factors influence their decisions and behaviors.
Watch the videos below to bring a real CDC behavioral scientist into your classroom. Share the links with students and encourage them to watch with family and share with friends.
Download the poster below and display it in the classroom for reference and discussion when you talk about a career as a behavioral scientist.

To learn about the other careers featured in NERD Academy, visit the collection of public health career spotlights.
To learn more about public health STEM careers at CDC, encourage students to visit See Yourself in a Public Health Career.