At a glance
- The National Center for Health Statistics adapted the Research and Development Survey (RANDS) to collect timely information about COVID-19 during the pandemic.
- Access and download data and documentation from the 3 rounds of RANDS during COVID-19.

In 2020, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) adapted the Research and Development Survey (RANDS) to collect timely information in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This specialized version of RANDS was named "RANDS during COVID-19" to distinguish it from the original, ongoing RANDS surveys.
NCHS conducted two rounds of RANDS during COVID in the summer of 2020. RANDS during COVID-19 Rounds 1 and 2 included both a probability sample panel and a nonprobability sample panel. The Rounds 1 and 2 probability sample used a longitudinal design to track responses from the same people at two points in time.
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 3—the last round of RANDS during COVID-19—was sampled independently from the first two rounds and did not continue the previous longitudinal design. RANDS during COVID-19 Round 3 used only a probability sample panel.
Explore RANDS during COVID-19
About these resources
Each data file includes—
- Questionnaire data
- Respondent demographic characteristics
- Sample weights
Data files are available in .csv and .txt formats and include—
- The codebook of variables
- Example SAS code to read the .txt file
- SAS formats
- Survey questionnaire
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 1
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 1 was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago in the summer of 2020. Round 1 of RANDS during COVID-19 used both a probability sample panel and a nonprobability sample panel.
Data collection for the probability sample began on June 9, 2020, and ended on July 6, 2020. NORC invited 8,663 of its AmeriSpeak panel members to complete the questionnaire via web and phone administration. Of the panel members contacted, 6,800 completed the survey, resulting in a 78.5% completion rate (unweighted) and a weighted cumulative response rate of 23.0%. For more information about completion rates and response rates, visit the American Association of Public Opinion Research's Standard Definitions resource.
Data collection for the nonprobability sample began on June 9, 2020, and ended on June 30, 2020. NORC recruited 6,220 people for the nonprobability sample using the Dynata online opt-in panel.
These surveys included existing questions from the National Health Interview Survey, cognitive probe questions, and questions about COVID-19.
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 2
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 2 was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago in the summer of 2020. Round 2 of RANDS during COVID-19 used both a probability sample panel and a nonprobability sample panel.
Data collection for the probability sample began on August 3, 2020, and ended on August 20, 2020. Because the first two rounds of RANDS during COVID-19 had a longitudinal design, they used the same probability sample. NORC invited 8,651 people from the Round 1 to complete the questionnaire via web and phone administration. Twelve people who had participated in Round 1 were not invited for Round 2 because they had left the AmeriSpeak panel between the two rounds. Of the panel members contacted, 5,981 completed the survey, resulting in a 69.1% completion rate (unweighted) and a weighted cumulative response rate of 20.3%. For more information about completion rates and response rates, visit the American Association of Public Opinion Research's Standard Definitions resource.
Data collection for the nonprobability sample began on August 3, 2020, and ended on August 20, 2020. NORC recruited 5,502 people for the nonprobability sample using the Dynata online opt-in panel.
These surveys included existing questions from the National Health Interview Survey, cognitive probe questions, and questions about COVID-19.
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 3
RANDS during COVID-19 Round 3 was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago in the late spring to early summer of 2021. Data collection began on May 17, 2021, and ended on June 30, 2021. NORC invited 7,852 AmeriSpeak panel members to complete the questionnaire via web and phone administration. Of the panel members contacted, 5,458 completed the survey, resulting in a 69.5% completion rate (unweighted) and a weighted cumulative response rate of 11.8%. For more information about completion rates and response rates, visit the American Association of Public Opinion Research's Standard Definitions resource.
This survey included existing questions from the National Health Interview Survey, cognitive probe questions, and questions about COVID-19 (unweighted) and a weighted cumulative response rate of 11.8%. For more information about completion rates and response rates, visit the American Association of Public Opinion Research's Standard Definitions resource.
Access RANDS during COVID-19 Round 3 data and documentation.